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Access almost 1000 references to publications and academic articles about corruption in education

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  • Poverty and corruption

    The year 2007 marked a milestone in the fight against poverty and corruption. It represented the midway point on the road to meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the ambitious global pledge to end extreme poverty by 2015. It also...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2008

  • Corruption and aid modalities

    The introduction of `new' aid modalities - and in particular general budget support - has increased the interest in the relationship between corruption and aid modalities. This U4 Issue reviews the information that theory and empirical studies...

    Fritz, Verena, Kolstad, Ivar

    Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2008

  • Open budgets, transform lives: the Open Budget Survey 2008

    The Open Budget Survey 2008, a comprehensive evaluation of budget transparency in 85 countries, finds that the state of budget transparency around the world is deplorable. This encourages inappropriate, wasteful, and corrupt spending and-because it...

    International Budget Partnership

    Washington, D.C., International Budget Partnership, 2008

  • Democratisation and corruption in Mongolia

    Subsequent to the end of the communist system in 1990, Mongolia has established a democratic regime, and has been assessed as being relatively well governed. However, more recently, corruption has been worsening, despite the continuation of a...

    Fritz, Verena


  • Why do developing country anti-corruption commissions fail to deal with corruption? Understanding the three dilemmas of organisational development, performance expectation, and donor and government cycles

    This article reviews aspects of the literature on Anti-Corruption Agencies or Commissions (ACC) and sets the context for its empirical research into five African countries, i.e. Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. It argues that...

    Doig, Alan, Watt, David, Williams, Robert


  • Why is procurement important? (Factsheet)

    In the 1990s corruption was rampant in the Department of Education in the Philippines. The department was unable to deliver the most basic services to its 18 million public school students. Unqualified bidders were over-pricing their school text...

    OECD. Development Assistance Committee

    Paris, OECD, 2006

  • Corruption in emergency procurement

    Based on U4 Issue which aims to unpack and analyse the problem of corruption in aid-funded emergency procurement, for the purposes of mitigating risk. How and where does corruption typically occur, and what can be done?

    Schultz, Jessica, Søreide, Tina

    Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2006

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