Every Voice Counts (EVC) Program, National Advocacy Conference Position Paper
Organization : CARE
Imprint : CARE, 2017
CARE and its partners WCLRF, AWRC and HRRAC are jointly implementing the Every Voice Count-EVC program in targeted provinces to advocate rights and the position of women and girls in order to enable the environment for their access and participation in education and health services; this is achieved via the implementation of the community score card and advocacy to promote inclusive governance and incorporate lessons learnt into policies, priorities and programs of the MoE and MoPH. Through this paper on behalf of women and girls from the communities we represent call on local and national authorities from education and health ministries to address the needs of women and girls at the community level.
- Access to education, Diagnostic tools / surveys, Gender, Governance, Health, Non-governemental organizations, Community education
Asia and the Pacific