Education sector corruption: how to assess it and ways to address it
Organization : U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre
Imprint : Bergen (Norway), 4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, 2019
Collation :
69 p.
Series : U4 Issue 2019:5
Education sector corruption erodes social trust, worsens inequality, and sabotages development. Types of corruption in elementary-secondary education range from academic cheating to bribery and nepotism in teaching appointments to bid-rigging in procurement of textbooks and supplies. After identifying priority problems in a locally led process, practitioners can use transparency- and accountability-promoting tools to tackle corrupt behaviours and the incentives underlying them.
- Academic fraud, Cheating, Accountability, Anti-corruption strategies, Community participation, Monitoring / control, Corruption, Bribery, Conflict of interest, Favoritism, Fraud, Public expenditure tracking surveys (PETS), Economic and social development, Procurement, Textbooks / didactic materials, Transparency, University staff, University staff recruitment