Education Corruption and Teacher Absenteeism in Nigeria
Imprint : 2016
Collation :
Series : Independent Journal of Management & Production, Vol 7, No 2,
Education corruption displays ample evidence that warrants inefficiencies and absenteeism among teachers. Teachers are the transmitters of knowledge who help to ensure that children learn, they are role models and in most rural communities they are the most educated and respected personages. High teacher absenteeism can exist when teachers have very low levels of motivation to work and little commitment to the profession, and when there is lack of accountability in the education sector. Because of the importance of education to society, international bodies emphasize the need for attracting, developing and retaining effective teachers. It is necessary to state that reducing official corruption in the education sector, promoting teacher welfare, designing better systems for monitoring and reducing invalid absences are among the critical measures of combating teacher absenteeism. The survey research design was used for the study and the result supports that education corruption has significant positive relationship with teacher absenteeism.
- Accountability, Corruption, Absenteeism, Diagnostic tools / surveys, Economic and social development, Students, Teachers, Teacher behaviour, Secondary education, Primary education