Compendium of country examples and lessons in applying the procurement assessment methodology. Volume 1: Sharing experiences

Author(s) : OECD

Organization : OECD

Imprint : Paris, OECD, 2008

Collation :

57 p.

Notes :

Off-print of the Journal on Development 2008, Volume 9, No. 2 / Publié également dans la Revue de l'OCDE sur le développement 2008: Volume 9, No. 4

This report presents the experiences and the lessons learned by 22 volunteer partner countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia related to the application of the Methodology for the Assessment of National Procurement Systems. The Methodology was developed and approved for field testing in 2006 as input towards implementing the Paris Declaration agenda and to assist in strengthening country procurement systems. It is the result of the joint efforts of multilateral and bilateral development partners and of partner countries around the world. These experiences and lessons represent some early results achieved by the fore-mentioned partner governments working in collaboration with national stakeholders from civil society, the private sector, the media, elected members of parliament and with their international development partners. The report shares experiences in using the Methodology; country examples from the pilot exercises and from other applications are used as case studies.

  • Access to information, Press, Civil society, Corporate sector, Economic and social development, Educational management, Central administration, International conventions, Procurement
  • Africa, Americas and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific