Approvisionnement en livres scolaires : vers plus de transparence. Afrique francophone

Author(s) : Jean-Pierre Leguéré


Notes : 2003 | 99p.

The supply of textbooks in French-speaking Africa: towards more transparency.

Expenditure on textbooks and teaching materials in French-speaking Africa for basic education alone reached just over 500 billion CFA francs in the last decade. However such a massive investment has failed to achieve the goal of "One Book One Child in the Year 2000", nor to develop an endogenous book industry. In this context, this study seeks to identify the main opportunities for corruption that exist throughout the chain of production and distribution of textbooks in French-speaking Africa. Beyond that, it tries to define the conditions favorable to the adoption of sound attitudes and practices. Finally, it shows how transparent textbook management stems from the construction of a collective project at the national level.

  • Series :
    Ethics and corruption in education
  • Document language : French