The Anticorruption Commitment Creator: 4 steps to generating OGP open data commitments to combat corruption
Organization : Open Data Charter, ODC
Imprint : Open Data Charter, 2021
Collation :
This document has been developed as part of the OGP Multi-Donor Trust Fund
(MDTF) program on Advancing OGP’s Thematic Priorities, which aims to increase
the proportion of countries with new potentially transformative commitments.
Specifically, the consortium created between Global Integrity, Open Data Charter,
ILDA (Iniciativa Latinoamericana de Datos Abiertos), AODN (African Open Data
Network), and OD4D (Open Data for Development Network) has collaborated with
target countries in Latin-America and Africa to foster sustainable initiatives to
use open data to fight corruption.
The goal of this tool is to guide participants from government and civil society
through the process of drafting a commitment on open data for anti-corruption.
It offers a series of guiding questions for each section of the commitment and
resources to ensure that all the critical elements that should be addressed in the
final form of the commitment are considered and made explicit.
Also, this tool is complemented by an illustrative commitment on Open
Contracting for Infrastructure (OC4I) to enable Covid-19 recovery, elaborated by
the Open Contracting Partnership (OCP).
- Access to information, Open data, Anti-corruption strategies, Civil society, Corruption, Governance