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1-10 of 78 results

  • Newspaper

    Academics warn of ‘arms race’ in contract cheating



    Nicole Precel and Adam Carey - The Age

    The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency received 385 referrals about contract cheating in the first half of 2022, compared with 138 in 2021 and 21 in 2020. Cheating is becoming an “arms race”, and it ranges from students visiting cheating sites to have just one question answered, to paying ghost-writers to complete an entire subject. According to a professor in academic integrity, a new weapon in this race is artificial intelligence, which generates essays almost from scratch or answers problems with the right prompt.

  • Newspaper

    The APLC calls for an anti-corruption course to be included in the national curriculum

    Congo DR


    Jonathan Fuanan - Radio Okapi

    The Agence de prévention et de lutte contre la corruption (APLC) is urging the government to include an anti-corruption course in the national curriculum, from nursery school to university. According to the APLC's deputy coordinator, sanctions are not the only remedy for eradicating or eliminating corruption. APLC is working to raise awareness among the Congolese to change mentalities and integrate a new culture of integrity.

  • Integrity matters! Using open educational practices to address online integrity

    Cindy Ives, Beth Perry, Pamela Walsh, Cheryl Kier


  • Newspaper

    Rise in contract-cheating and plagiarism during online exams: what can teachers do?



    Sukanya Nandy - News 18

    Following the impact of Covid-19 on the education sector, learning institutions worldwide are adopting digital tools that help assessors identify original content, and are working with their faculty to develop an awareness of academic integrity. The Learning Spiral survey shows over 70 per cent of students in India admitted to cheating in online exams, and others admitted to copying answers word-for-word without offering citations.

  • Newspaper

    Measuring HE ethics: An inclusive new ranking is launched

    Switzerland, Nigeria, China, USA, Cape Verde


    Nic Mitchell - University World News

    The new University Ranking (GUR) will provide a unique global ranking instrument that places values, ethics, and sustainability as central principles of higher education institutions worldwide. It encompasses a new higher education framework to assess student learning experience, and key stakeholders on integrity, values-driven leadership, and sustainability commitment. Universidad de Santiago, a private institution in Cape Verde, received the highest overall score and gained the best marks for student sustainability and integrity.

  • Scientific integrity referents: the example of Inserm in France

    Ghislaine Filliatreau


  • Conference on promoting academic integrity: IIEP shares practical policies and tools


    IIEP contributed to a conference organized by the Council of Europe and Erasmus University in Rotterdam, sharing its insights on how values of academic integrity can be translated into practice.

  • Newspaper

    Student 'anti-cheating' exam hats go viral



    James FitzGerald - BBC news

    Images of students wearing so-called "anti-cheating hats" during college exams have gone viral on social media in the Philippines. To ensure integrity and honesty in a fun way during exams, a professor at Bicol University College of Engineering asked the students to innovate headwear that would block their ability to see their peers' answer papers. The idea had been effective, and it was implemented for recent mid-term exams sat by hundreds of students at the College in October.

  • Newspaper

    Global network set up to stamp out contract cheating in higher education



    John Walshe - University World News

    Education agencies across the globe are joining forces to fight the rise of commercial cheating services that target students worldwide. The newly formed Global Academic Integrity Network (GAIN) will share experiences and resources to help jurisdictions develop legislation, regulatory approaches and frameworks that penalise facilitating and advertising of cheating services. It was founded by Quality and Qualifications Ireland and Australia’s Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency and launched in Dublin last October.

  • Enhancing academic integrity through a community of practice

    Anné Hendrik Verhoef


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