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1-6 of 6 results

  • What we do

    Basic page

    Fighting corrupt practices in the education sector enables governments to strengthen their educational systems: a precondition for the attainment of SDG4.

  • Mapping corruption risks in the Guinean education sector


    A new IIEP report presents the main findings of a corruption risk mapping exercise in the Guinean education sector, carried out by the IIEP at the request of the National Anti-Corruption Agency (ANLC) of the Republic of Guinea.

  • Open School Data: Here’s your go-to guide


    Open school data is a powerful tool. When used properly, open data can promote citizen control over the transfer and use of financial, material, and human resources. Open data can hold local and school authorities to account, improve service delivery, and detect malpractice at the school level – and most importantly, enable citizens to stand up for their right to quality education.

  • Video

    The power of open school data in education




    This video is made by IIPE-UNESCO, and aims to demonstrate the power of open data in education How can educational agents promote integrity and transparency in the education sector? Open school data is a powerful way to integrate the entire educational community: they share with the public information about school funding, student and teacher numbers, school equipment, textbooks, and test scores.

  • Webinar on the fight against corruption in education in Uzbekistan


    On February 17, as part of the Avloniy Webinar Series, IIEP Programme Specialist, Ms Muriel Poisson was invited to facilitate a webinar on corruption mitigation in the Uzbek education system. It was attended by over 230 school principals, teachers, administrative staff and other education stakeholders from around the country.

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