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1-10 of 108 results

  • Newspaper

    West Point faces the worst cheating scandal in decades



    - BBC

    Over 75 students were charged for breaking West Point’s Cadet Honor Code in a math test while studying remotely due to the coronavirus pandemic. Those who admitted cheating had been sent on a six-month rehabilitation programme and would be on probation for the rest of their time at West Point. This is the biggest cheating scandal at West Point since 1976 when 153 cadets were expelled or resigned for cheating on an electrical engineering exam.

  • Newspaper

    Rampant cheating in online examinations reported by universities, IITs scramble for measures to curb malpractice



    Arijit Saha - DNA

    There have been reports of students in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay, IIT-Kharagpur, and IIT-Ropar using WhatsApp groups to share solutions to questions, and using breaks to call their peers during the examinations. A professor reports that 95% of students cheat. To prevent it, the Ministry of Education has established a committee to develop a common protocol for online internal examinations, and universities are considering the introduction of a code of honour.

  • Newspaper

    UBC investigating after 100 students accused of cheating on math exam



    - DH News

    There were over 100 cases of cheating at the University of British Columbia (UBC) during an online math exam. The UBC director announced that the consequences for the students involved might vary from a warning to a zero on the test, a zero in the course, or even suspension or expulsion. The University has taken the necessary measures to ensure the integrity and security of all online courses.

  • Newspaper

    Remote learning has led to increase in cheating and online test proctoring service proves controversial



    Elijah Parkmann-Williams - The Voice

    According to a recent poll of Mercer Country Community College students, 64% said they felt more inclined to cheat since moving online. Even though the MCCC uses the Honorlock software that can detect nearby device searches, recognize verbal keywords, and track the students’ movement, the college’s Academic Integrity Committee (AIC) found 45 cases of cheating.

  • Newspaper

    UC Berkeley fall 2020 semester sees 400% increase in cheating allegations



    Veronica Roseborough - The Daily Californian

    UC Berkeley’s Center for Student Conduct has received over 300 reports of alleged academic misconduct during the fall semester and as a result, professors have updated their misconduct policies. The chair of UC Berkeley’s Academic Senate recommended that faculty members use online programs to catch cases of misconduct, register on sites to observe collaboration during exams and use frequent, lower-stakes assessments.

  • Newspaper

    Post-secondary students call for changes to online exam rules as cheating concerns rise



    Jessica Wong, - CBC News

    With many students forced to trade in-person lectures for online learning during the pandemic and the rising cases of academic misconduct, students, as well as professors, are concerned about the software being used to assess them. The vice-president of the University of Alberta Students’ Union (UMSU) says black students have had problems where the application doesn't recognize their faces. Other students with disabilities reported that they rely on specific screen-reader software that is incompatible with remote proctoring software. Although professors recognize that some courses may require e-proctored exams, they want them to be implemented correctly.

  • Newspaper

    Rutgers faculty discusses cheating during remote instruction



    Victoria Yeasky - The Daily Tragum

    While the Academic Integrity Policy has not changed since the transition to remote learning at Rutgers faculty, departments have implemented new measures in an effort to prevent cheating. The Office of Student Conduct has created tutorial videos on completing work honestly, and on exams and major assignments, students should write and sign an honour pledge. The policy includes seven types of violations: plagiarism, cheating, and fabrication, facilitation of dishonesty, academic sabotage, violation of research or professional ethics and violations involving potentially criminal activity.

  • Newspaper

    150 University of Missouri students caught cheating on exams held online amid COVID-19



    Mará Rose Williams - The Kansas City Star

    Cheating at universities has increased since the coronavirus forced classes to go online. In the North Carolina State, more than 200 of the 800 students in a single Statistics 311 have been disciplined for cheating. The University of Missouri discovered three separate cases of cheating, and each incident involved about 50 students who used the GroupMe app to share answers to exam questions. Also, 330 students were charged for breaking safety rules and would face penalties such as one-semester suspension.

  • Newspaper

    Academic integrity now protected with Turnitin technology



    Raymond G.B. Tribdino - Business Insight

    As schools and universities move to online instruction, the new software Turnitin Originality is designed to support academic integrity by providing tools to students to self-check and correct themselves, and for professors to identify potential misconduct so that they can intervene. When reviewing submissions, Turnitin Originality checks whether the work is similar to other known text, or if there are indications that it was not written by the student. This data will facilitate conversations between instructors and students about how to discover and express their authentic voice.

  • Newspaper

    Rid the education sector of corruption and allow bright minds to flourish



    Michael Chermabos - The Standard

    In order to ensure that only genuine qualifications cross borders, The Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) joined the African Qualifications Verification Network, an initiative of the African Union to support the mobility of students and workers on the continent. Under the regulation developed in 2018, anyone seeking employment in Kenya with foreign qualifications must be assessed by the KNQA and granted a certificate of recognition or verification.

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