1-10 of 15 results

  • Newspaper

    Minister suspends PhD admissions in all state universities



    Elias Ngalame - University World News

    11 university heads have been requested to file a detailed report on the financial and academic ability of the department or school within their institutions that trains PhD students. They are expected to provide details on how money disbursed by the state was used for PhD defense panels in the period 2020-21 and 2022-23. According to the Ministry’s guidelines, PhD applicants will be approved only if they have sufficient financial and academic means to carry out research projects.

  • Scientific integrity referents: the example of Inserm in France

    Ghislaine Filliatreau


  • Conference on promoting academic integrity: IIEP shares practical policies and tools


    IIEP contributed to a conference organized by the Council of Europe and Erasmus University in Rotterdam, sharing its insights on how values of academic integrity can be translated into practice.

  • Newspaper

    Half of researchers admit questionable practices in Dutch survey



    Nic Mitchell - University World News

    In a national survey on research integrity by Dutch academics, 40,000 researchers, from PhD students to full professors, admitted to committing at least one of the 11 questionable research practices. One in 12 researchers is estimated to have fabricated or falsified research results in the last three years. According to a postdoctoral researcher and lead investigator of the survey, findings are already being discussed with policymakers in universities and medical centres in the Netherlands.

  • Newspaper

    University to probe possible research integrity violations



    CNN - University World News

    University of Florida (UF) launched an investigation after an internal report detailed a culture of fear among faculty members claiming political influence on campus as well as instances of pressure to destroy and delay publication of COVID-19 research data. The report was the result of a three-week investigation into academic freedom at UF after three full-time professors were prevented from testifying as paid experts in a lawsuit brought against the state over voting rights.

  • Newspaper

    Largest ever research integrity survey flounders



    - University World News

    The world's largest multi-disciplinary research integrity survey is at risk of failing to achieve its objectives with two-thirds of the institutions invited to collaborate having declined to participate because of the sensitivity of the subject and fear of negative publicity. As a result, the researchers who conducted the Dutch National Research Integrity Survey found themselves alone in scraping up many e-mail addresses and soliciting responses. They gathered feedback from less than 15% of the 40,000 targeted participants.

  • Promoting integrity in general and Higher Education in Kuwait


    At the invitation of Nazaha, the Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority, IIEP participated in a capacity-building workshop entitled “Promoting integrity in the education sector”.

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