1-10 of 22 results

  • Newspaper

    Haiti: Integrity clubs launched in schools



    - HaitiLibre.com

    The Ministry of Education and the Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption (Anti-Corruption Unit) have launched "integrity clubs" at the Haitian-Canadian secondary school, also involving the Lycée National in Pétion-Ville. Each club, made up of eight members, aims to involve pupils in the fight against corruption through self-learning and civic education from an early age. School headmasters and representatives welcomed the initiative, stressing the importance of training young people to become citizens of integrity to build a new Haiti.

  • Newspaper

    DRC: primary school teacher trainers equipped to fight corruption

    Congo DR


    La Rédaction - Zoomeco

    In collaboration with the UNODC and UNESCO, the Agence de prévention et de lutte contre la corruption (APLC) has organised integrity training for teacher trainers in nursery, primary, secondary, and vocational education. As the leading national authority in the fight against corruption, the APLC aims to take far-reaching action and provide concrete responses through the development of a prevention strategy designed to curb this scourge.

  • Newspaper

    The APLC calls for an anti-corruption course to be included in the national curriculum

    Congo DR


    Jonathan Fuanan - Radio Okapi

    The Agence de prévention et de lutte contre la corruption (APLC) is urging the government to include an anti-corruption course in the national curriculum, from nursery school to university. According to the APLC's deputy coordinator, sanctions are not the only remedy for eradicating or eliminating corruption. APLC is working to raise awareness among the Congolese to change mentalities and integrate a new culture of integrity.

  • Newspaper

    Experts develop educational programmes on the fight against corruption

    Côte d'Ivoire


    Elvis Gouza - Linfodrome.ci

    Several pedagogical experts took part in a workshop in June 2022 to develop educational programmes on the fight against corruption and good governance organised by the High Authority for Good Governance. The project aims to instil integrity, transparency, and accountability in learners from preschool to higher education, including secondary schools and training schools for public officials.

  • Video

    The power of open school data in education




    This video is made by IIPE-UNESCO, and aims to demonstrate the power of open data in education How can educational agents promote integrity and transparency in the education sector? Open school data is a powerful way to integrate the entire educational community: they share with the public information about school funding, student and teacher numbers, school equipment, textbooks, and test scores.

  • Méconduites académiques: exploration d’une distinction potentielle de genres

    Le biais de genre, largement investigué en sciences sur les aspects positifs tels que l’obtention de financements ou les publications, reste inexploré sur les aspects « négatifs » de la science comme les mauvaises pratiques académiques : si les...

    Sèdes, Florence, Decullier, Evelyne

    Institut de recherche et d’action sur la fraude et le plagiat académiques, 2022

  • Les Thèses de complaisance: de l’acceptabilité d’un écart à l’intégrité académique

    Nous avons mené deux études afin d’identifier pourquoi les universitaires acceptent de décerner un titre prestigieux à des travaux non conformes aux attendus. À travers des entretiens semi-directifs conduits auprès de 19 universitaires, la première...

    Magali Bringuier, Magali, Decullier, Evelyne, Malec, David, Py, Jacques

    Institut de recherche et d’action sur la fraude et le plagiat académiques, 2022

  • L'urgence de l'intégrité académique

    Contrer les pratiques malhonnêtes - dans l’enseignement supérieur comme dans la recherche - et renforcer l’intégrité académique est urgent. Car notre civilisation de la connaissance est menacée, tant par les nouveaux modèles de production du savoir...

    Bargadaà, Michelle , Peixoto, Paulo


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