1-10 of 468 results

  • L’Ethique professionnelle en enseignement supérieur: orientations et cas typiques

    Quelles sont les caractéristiques de l’éthique professionnelle en enseignement supérieur ? Quelles préoccupations éthiques les enseignants du supérieur ont-ils ? Quels points de repère se donnent-ils ? Quelles sont leurs stratégies de résolution de...

    Gohier, Christiane; Jutras, France; Desautels, Luc

    Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 2016

  • Newspaper

    A peek inside the strange world of fake academia


    Kevin Carey - New York Times

    Academics need to publish in order to advance professionally, get better jobs or secure tenure. Even within the halls of respectable academia, the difference between legitimate and fake publications and conferences is far blurrier than scholars would like to admit. Some canny operators have now realized that when standards are loose to begin with, there are healthy profits to be made in the grey areas of academe.

  • Video

    Education Cabinet Secretary orders audit of university programs in Kenya



    Citizen TV Kenya -

    A news report states that in a rush to meet educational requirements for elections, several politicians in Kenya opted for dubious degrees and could be among those losing their certificates in an audit ordered by the Education Cabinet Secretary. The guilty institutions could also lose their charters.

  • Newspaper

    Ewha University role scrutinised by corruption hearing

    Korea R


    Aimee Chung - University World News

    South Korea’s National Assembly last week focused on the role of the prestigious Ewha Womans University as part of its fourth round of hearings into an influence peddling scandal surrounding embattled South Korean President. Since early December the assembly has held four rounds of hearings, to gather evidence on whether the presidents close confidante used her friendship to influence policy and wrongly secure millions of dollars in funding for her foundations from South Korean conglomerates.

  • Newspaper

    Medical professors in alleged organ trafficking racket



    Ashraf Khaled - University World News

    Egyptian authorities recently busted what they said was the biggest illegal organ trafficking ring in the country’s history. The suspects include medical professors at the universities of Cairo and Ain Shams, Egypt’s two main public academic institutions, the Health Ministry said. Investigations by Egypt’s Administrative Control Authority and the Health Ministry focused on private hospitals and health centres. Authorities found “millions of dollars and gold bullion”, at the 10 centres.

  • Newspaper

    Educational institutions mark anti-corruption day



    Arsalan Haider - Daily Times

    A large number of universities, colleges and schools organised walks, seminars and debating competition to raise awareness among students, faculty and other staff. The Student Affairs Director at the University of Engineering and Technology (UET), speaking on the occasion of a debating competition organised to mark the day, said that zero tolerance would be shown against corruption and malpractices.

  • Newspaper

    Still no response to damning World Bank report



    Christabel Ligami - University World News

    Stakeholders are still awaiting a response from the education cabinet secretary to a World Bank report released earlier this year which put Kenya’s Higher Education Loans Board on the spot for mismanaging its funds at the expense of needy students. The report, indicates that the Higher Education Loans Board is spending excessive money on administrative costs that could be added to students’ loans. It recommends an overhaul of the loan disbursement and recovery mechanisms.

  • Newspaper

    Exclusive: ACT Inc raises test prices abroad to fund cheating fight


    Steve Stecklow and Alexandra Harney - Reuters

    The maker of the ACT college-entrance exam, which has been struggling to contain an international cheating epidemic, is raising its fees for overseas test-takers by $10 to pay for enhanced security. ACT, an Iowa-based not-for-profit, has suffered major security setbacks in recent months. After the October sitting of the exam, ACT cancelled scores for an unspecified number of students in Asia and Oceania on the writing section of the test because of a leak.

  • Newspaper

    Funding framework under implementation



    Albertina Nakale - New Era

    Following 2013 Cabinet’s approval for the funding framework to ensure equity and transparency in the allocation of financial resources to public higher education institutions, the National Council for higher Education (NCHE) says budgetary submissions are being finalised for the 2017/18 financial year. The funding framework was for the first time implemented this current financial year for the country’s only two public higher education institutions.

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