1-10 of 258 results

  • Etude de capitalisation de l'expérience de l'étude de traçabilité des dépenses publiques dans le secteur de l'éducation primaire au Burkina Faso: rapport final définitif mai 2015

    L'étude dont l'objectif central était d'améliorer l'efficacité et l'efficience des dépenses publiques dans le secteur de l'éducation primaire au Burkina Faso a passé en revue les goulots d'étranglement qui minent l'exécution efficiente des ressources...

    Burkina Faso. Ministère de l'économie et des finances

    Ouagadougou, AMD, 2015

  • Newspaper

    Kenya: TSC to enforce code of ethics



    Musembi Nsenga - Allafrica

    The Teachers Service Commission is putting in place water-tight measures to enforce performance by teachers and ensure they do not violate professional code of ethics. TSC chairman said teachers will be made to sign the teachers’ code of ethics. The teachers will be required to meet specific targets to ensure they perform to expectations.

  • Parental human capital and effective school management: evidence from The Gambia

    Education systems in developing countries are often centrally managed in a top-down structure. In environments where schools have different needs and where localized information plays an important role, empowerment of the local community may be...

    Blimpo, Moussa Pouguinimpo, Evans, David, Lahire, Nathalie

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2015

  • Newspaper

    LACC Resumes anti-corruption campaign in schools



    - The Inquirer

    The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) has resumed its anticorruption campaign at institutions of learning. The campaign is aimed at educating students on the mandate of the Commission and sensitizing them on the effects of corruption and the benefits associated with its eradication.

  • Newspaper

    Victorian education department official sacked as corruption inquiry begins



    - The Guardian

    A high-ranking Victorian education department official accused of running a corrupt scheme to siphon off money from school funding has been sacked. Former education department financial management general manager is the first scalp to be claimed by the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption (IBAC) hearings.

  • Newspaper

    Education ministry to establish toll free line



    Frederick Kiwanuka - New Vision

    UPE parents will soon be able to report school malpractices using a toll free line which the Ministry of education is establishing. The state minister for primary education said parents with complaints will be reporting directly to his office using the toll free line.

  • Newspaper

    CT* youth unhappy with education, corruption

    South Africa


    - ENCA

    CAPE TOWN – The current government has yet to win over youth, concurred youngsters in Mitchell’s Plain. “Government has failed us. They have failed us in so many ways” said 16-year-old resident. “There is an inequality among schools. You look at schools in Constantia and then you look at our schools. They have more resources.”
    *Cape Town

  • Newspaper

    The traditional “thank the teacher” present has become a lucrative market



    Antoine Sillières - Le Figaro

    Between the end of year fête and the start of the summer holidays, it is traditional for teachers to receive small gifts from parents and students as a thank-you for the past year. To the delight of chocolate makers, florists and many more.

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