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1-10 of 95 results

  • Newspaper

    China’s “most handsome” university president is the latest corruption crackdown target



    Zheping Huang - Quartz

    A Chinese university president was sentenced a lifetime in jail for taking bribes and embezzlement in a court in Southeast Jianxi Province on Tuesday, according to Xinhua. So far this year, 32 university officials have been accused of taking bribes or other. In November, eight school leaders, including the president of the elite Communication University of China in Beijing were removed from their jobs for corruption.

  • Newspaper

    U.S.$60,493 misapplied at education ministry



    Necus M. Andrews - The News

    A report by the Joint Legislative Public Account Committee (PAC) has linked a former Minister of Education and his deputy to misapplication of US$60,493 during their tenure at the Ministry of Education. The money, according to the report, was intended for the Government of Liberia Free and Compulsory Primary Education program.

  • Newspaper

    Sadtu hits back after cash-for-teachers report

    South Africa


    Lizeka Tandwa - News24Wire

    The SA Democratic Teachers Union came out strongly against the basic education department on Sunday, accusing senior officials of being involved in a jobs-for-cash syndicate and claiming that high ranking officials in the education department had either accepted bribes or used undue influence to appoint teachers and principals. But this allegation was rejected by an education spokesperson.

  • Newspaper

    EFF calls on the Minister of Basic Education to take decisive action against SADTU

    South Africa


    MBUYISENI QUINTIN NDLOZI - South Africa: EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters)

    The EFF calls on the Basic Education minister to take decisive action against members of SADTU and other officials of the department who have been given jobs through illegal means. The Minister has announced that the department welcomed a report by its investigative task team which found that of a "total of 75 cases" it dealt with, 30 provided "grounds for reasonable suspicion or wrongdoing".

  • Newspaper

    Investigation into allegations of selling of posts for teachers

    South Africa


    - AllAfrica News: Educatio

    The Basic Education Minister delivered a statement regarding the investigation into allegations of selling of posts for teachers following the release of preliminary report by her Task Team on the work done thus far. According to the minister the report, though not yet complete, has uncovered some very concerning tendencies that are being perpetuated in the appointment of teachers and principals. The full details of the report will be released at a later stage.

  • Newspaper

    Sadtu accused of selling teaching posts

    South Africa


    Lizeka Tandwa - News24

    The SA Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) was fingered as the main culprit in a damning report into the alleged selling of teachers' posts released on Thursday. According to a report by the Basic Education Minister’s task team, government systems have allowed an exploitation of the system, which compromised proper appointments of critical educator posts.

  • Newspaper

    Allegations of bribery, corruption and sex in universities

    Congo DR


    - University World News

    Allegations of corruption and immorality within the Congolese university community have been aired in a new book by a former education minister and current professor of languages at the University of Kinshasa. He proposed lowering student numbers to a controllable level to guarantee efficiency during examinations and academic deliberations.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption, extortion, war – Welcome to Ukraine



    Ararat L Osipian - University World News

    Ukraine has little to offer international students. The quality of education offered is low, there is endless red tape and corruption is rife. Over the past quarter century, the quality of education offered has dropped dramatically due not only to a lack of state funding and a consequent brain drain, but primarily to rampant endemic corruption. Failed structural reforms and institutional incapacity in higher education have left Ukrainian youth without any hope of receiving world-class education and have had a negative impact on international students as well.

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