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1-10 of 79 results

  • Institutional corruption in Russian universities

    Corruption as traditionally been a part of Russian higher education reality. This article focuses on the institutional aspects of corruption, arguing that the universities need student numbers, and thus permit a certain amount of corruption to enroll...

    Rumyantseva, Nataliya L.; Denisova-Schmidt, Elena

    Chestnut Hill, MA, USA, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, 2015

  • Newspaper

    Top universities refuse to disclose fee expenditure details



    Richard Garner - The Independant

    Many of the UK’s leading universities are refusing to spell out just how they are spending their students’ £9,000 (US$13,600) a year tuition fees. The influential think-tank, the Higher Education Policy Institute, invited a range of institutions to explain how they were spending the money - but the majority, including almost all the of the country’s most select universities, declined to reply.

  • Newspaper

    Same performance, better grades



    Aina Katsikas - The Atlantic

    It’s raining As in America’s higher education system, and not necessarily because students are particularly smart. In fact, many of them probably don’t deserve the high marks they’re getting. They have grade inflation to thank. That inflation is rapidly spreading to higher education institutions across the country. Despite stagnant academic performance, more students than ever before receive higher grades than they should.

  • Newspaper

    In Syria, students are forced to buy fake diplomas

    Syrian Arab Republic, Türkiye


    Amélie Petitdemange - Le Figaro Etudiant

    For thousands of young Syrians it has become impossible to pursue university studies in a country threatened by civil war. In order to begin a new life abroad, students buy therefore fake diplomas. A business that is increasing in the neighboring Turkey.

  • Newspaper

    How to avoid getting cheated by phony scholarships


    Benjamin Plackett - Al Fanar Media

    A few predatory universities are looking for Arab students eager to study online cheaply, an Al-Fanar Media investigation has found. The “universities” try to seduce prospective students with offers of scholarships that are, in fact, just a way to pry money out of them.

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