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1-10 of 49 results

  • Newspaper

    Combatting corruption in higher education in Armenia



    - EAP-PCF News

    The Council of Europe and European Union joint project “Strengthening Integrity and Combating Corruption in Higher Education in Armenia” was launched in Yerevan on 27 May 2015. The Project objective is to support the development of prevention and integrity mechanisms for practicing professionals and to increase good governance in the field of higher education in Armenia.

  • Newspaper

    Politician stumbles over lost test papers



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    A leading North Rhine-Westphalian politician has been caught up in a scandal over a botched-up seminar test. The Christian Democrat failed to observe correct procedures for test papers as a visiting lecturer at RWTH Aachen University.

  • Newspaper

    Eminent sociologist has recycled 90,000 words of material across a dozen books, claims paper



    Paul Jump - Times Higher Education

    Last year, Times Higher Education reported allegations thatan emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Leeds, often hailed as the world’s greatest living sociologist, had included several unacknowledged passages in his 2013 book Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All? that were near-exact quotations from Wikipedia and other web resources.

  • Newspaper

    How Georgia stamped out corruption on campus



    Christofer Berglund, Johan Engvall - Foreign Policy

    Since his election in 2004, the Georgian president has set about reforming the endemically corrupt university system through drastic, but effective, measures. Reforms targeted both the admissions process as well as the quality of higher education itself.

  • Newspaper

    New ethical approach to combat widespread corruption in education


    Snežana Samardžić-Marković - NewEurope

    Following Transparency International’s latest Global Corruption Report on education, the Council of Europe is taking action to tackle corruption in education and to develop a Pan-European culture based on ethical principles: our new Ethics in Education Platform (ETINED) is to be launched on October 1 in Prague.

  • Newspaper

    Student loans change call after BBC sting



    - BBC News

    There are calls for the way loans are awarded to students to be reviewed after an undercover reporter using fake qualifications was offered one. The Education Minister suspended payments to the college, but defended the regulations in place. The programme also discovered the college's principal faked his Cambridge University PhD and teaching certificates.

  • Newspaper

    A secure card instead of a diploma to fight against fraud



    Hugues Lefèvre - Le Figaro

    At the end of November, for the first time, 500 of INSA Toulouse most recent graduates received a secure card which attested to the authenticity of their engineering degree at their graduation ceremony. The aim of the operation is to fight against cheating and forgery. The cards given to the students are protected against forgery by a nanoparticle marker which is invisible to the naked eye.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption, extortion, war – Welcome to Ukraine



    Ararat L Osipian - University World News

    Ukraine has little to offer international students. The quality of education offered is low, there is endless red tape and corruption is rife. Over the past quarter century, the quality of education offered has dropped dramatically due not only to a lack of state funding and a consequent brain drain, but primarily to rampant endemic corruption. Failed structural reforms and institutional incapacity in higher education have left Ukrainian youth without any hope of receiving world-class education and have had a negative impact on international students as well.

  • Newspaper

    German Defence Minister denies plagiarism



    - BBC News

    The German Defence Minister has denied claims she plagiarised parts of her doctoral thesis after a crowd-sourced plagiarism hunting website claimed to have found "elements of plagiarism" on 27 of the 62 pages of her 1990 dissertation.

  • Newspaper

    The traditional “thank the teacher” present has become a lucrative market



    Antoine Sillières - Le Figaro

    Between the end of year fête and the start of the summer holidays, it is traditional for teachers to receive small gifts from parents and students as a thank-you for the past year. To the delight of chocolate makers, florists and many more.

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