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1-10 of 11 results

  • Newspaper

    Schools big-wig admits fraud conspiracy



    - Shepparton News

    A high-ranking Department of Education employee used his position to rip off $5 billion from the Government money that should have been spent on public schools. According to the State's anti-corruption, watchdog IBAC, for 7 years he covered his tracks by organizing fake invoices sent from companies owned by him and his friends and family that did not do any work.

  • Newspaper

    Top private university’s admissions irregularities exposed

    Korea R


    Aimee Chung - University World News

    An audit conducted at Yonsei University In Seoul revealed 86 cases of irregularities including unfair admissions, evaluations, and recruitment issues, as well as allegations of misappropriation of university funds by professors who used the university ‘corporate cards’ to pay for nightclub entertainment and golf. Twenty-six staff and faculty members are subject to disciplinary action, and eight cases have been filed for violations of regulations including allegations of misconduct or embezzlement and violations of private school laws.

  • Newspaper

    Preschool special education in New York: How providers misspent $85M and fuelled an access crisis



    David Robinson - Iohud

    11 preschool owners and workers stole millions of tax dollars through a variety of schemes, using it to pay for everything from diamonds and Costco shopping to home renovations and a family wedding, state documents show. Child advocacy groups have warned of a preschool special education crisis in New York and signed a letter to the governor urging increases in the reimbursement rate earlier this year.

  • Newspaper

    Former staff members at Queensland private school charged over alleged fraud



    - Education HQ

    A major police investigation has been underway since August 2018 after serious concerns about the school’s finances and allegations of nepotism were referred by the Department of Education. According to the Financial and Cyber Crime Group, they misused $4.6 million from a private school south of Brisbane to buy expensive art and finance luxury trips to Europe and Asia.

  • Newspaper

    Former Puerto Rico education secretary and five others arrested in corruption probe

    Puerto Rico


    Louis Casiano - Fox News

    The FBI arrested the former education secretary along with six people engaged in a public corruption campaign from which they profited at the expense of the Puerto Rico citizens and students. The alleged fraud involved $15.5 million in federal money spent between 2017 and 2019. The education secretary is accused of steering contracts toward her friends without going through regular procedures.

  • Newspaper

    Head of maritime university takes leave in corruption probe



    - Stabroek News

    The president of the Caribbean Maritime University (CMU) along with the former Minister of Education are being investigated for corruption matters. During a previous Public Administration and Appreciation Committee (PAAC) sitting, the CMU president admitted that over $600,000 were paid towards a yacht party for the minister of education. According to the documents, the east Kingston-based university paid two companies a total of $674,930 to rent and decorate the yacht.

  • Newspaper

    Mega corruption found in Sindh Education Department



    Imdad Soomro - The News

    Sindh Anti-Corruption Establishment has found corruption and misuse of authority in Sindh Education Department district Jacobabad involving illegal inducting of hundreds of fake teachers, getting illegal financial benefits in the name of fake employees’ retirement, pension and death claims from department and life insurance company. The investigation continues after the fraud of millions of rupees has been reported, as well as the illegal role and abuse of authority from officers of the Education and Finance Departments.

  • Newspaper

    Former Esperanza High School employee under investigation for allegedly stealing from student programs



    Daniel Langhorne - Los Angeles Times

    A former finance clerk is accused of embezzling $859,000 in funds that belonged to Esperanza High School’s student council. State auditors allegedly identified 270 checks made payable to the former finance clerk who oversaw the books while others were for two of the clerk’s relatives. According to the State auditors' bank records from 2005 to 2011, the total amount of embezzled funds is more than $1.5 million.

  • Newspaper

    Haryana higher education council chairperson booked for corruption



    Ajay Sura - The Times of India

    The police accused of corruption and cheating the chairperson in the Haryana State Higher Education, an autonomous body created to promote academic excellence in the state. The main allegations against him include the appointment of staff in the university against the norms, opening of new educational centres, which were not required, extending favouritism, illegal withdrawal of university funds and spending the same on family’s personal expenses by misusing his official position.

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