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1-10 of 17 results

  • Promoting integrity in general and Higher Education in Kuwait


    At the invitation of Nazaha, the Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority, IIEP participated in a capacity-building workshop entitled “Promoting integrity in the education sector”.

  • Newspaper

    Preschool special education in New York: How providers misspent $85M and fuelled an access crisis



    David Robinson - Iohud

    11 preschool owners and workers stole millions of tax dollars through a variety of schemes, using it to pay for everything from diamonds and Costco shopping to home renovations and a family wedding, state documents show. Child advocacy groups have warned of a preschool special education crisis in New York and signed a letter to the governor urging increases in the reimbursement rate earlier this year.

  • Newspaper

    University students protest corruption that is denying them access to fair education

    Iran, Islamic Republic


    - Iran News Update

    Reports indicated that 14.6 million Iranians were expected to start school but the country was unprepared to accommodate them. A big number of dilapidated institutions have not received the necessary funding for reconstruction and furthermore, it was indicated that there was a shortage of around 100,000 teachers across the country. Students at the Amir Kabir University in Tehran participated in a demonstration against corrupt practices that are making their fees rise beyond all affordability.

  • Newspaper

    Bribery rife in schools



    Joseph Malawi - The Nation

    The African Union report shows that at least 57 percent of people who make contact with schools in Malawi pay bribes. Informal payments threaten children’s rights and welfare. For example, informal charges by teachers for teaching, and for additional items such as school meals, books, uniforms or exams can drive poorer students in particular to miss school. In addition, the acquisition of fake or fraudulent qualifications affect the learning outcomes of children.

  • Newspaper

    Manipulation’ of young girls prevalent in West Africa’s educational system



    Ayodeji Adegboyega - Premium Times

    The Commissioner for Education, Science and Culture says there are three major kinds of corruption in the West Africa’s educational system: manipulation of girls, favouritism when it comes to admission into higher institutions and sex for marks. Young girls often fall prey to teachers, among others “who make the education sector the worst hit by corruption. A scholarship programme has been put in place in order to protect these young girls and strengthen the educational terrain.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption plagues Afghanistan's education system



    Alex Cooper - OCCRP

    As another school year begins in Afghanistan, the country continues to face insecurity, an epidemic of corruption within its education system and old customs that keep many students and qualified teachers away from classrooms. Violence and corruption are problems that can hardly be solved on grassroots level only. Increased violence forced more than 1,000 schools to shut their doors since 2016 and according to a report compiled by the country’s independent corruption monitor, corruption is “devastating” the education system and the country.

  • OECD Reviews of integrity in education: Ukraine 2017

    Education in Ukraine is marked by integrity violations from early childhood education and care through postgraduate study. In the past decade policy makers and civic organisations have made progress in addressing these challenges. However, much...



  • Databases on corruption

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