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1-10 of 87 results

  • Anti-corruption day: developing country capacity to fight corruption in education


    IIEP has trained more than 2,200 people in the area of transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures in education since 2003. From 4 to 6 October 2018, the Institute joined forces with NEPC to offer a new course on this topic in Tbilisi for country teams from Azerbaijan, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova, and Mongolia.

  • Newspaper

    Slovakian politician in plagiarism scandal



    Debora Weber-Wulff - Copy, Paste, and Shake

    According to Slovak media the Speaker of the Slovakian Parliament has been accused of having copied his JuDR doctoral thesis in law from five other sources. The politician put his thesis in the university library under embargo, when the accusations first arose. Comenius University announced that a doctoral dissertation with the same title and same number of pages was missing in its university archive and that an enquiry has been launched.

  • Tbilisi

    Corruption-risk assessment of the Georgian higher education sector


    Following a corruption-risk assessment, IIEP-UNESCO publishes a set of recommendations to improve the financing, management, and admissions of Georgia's higher education sector.

  • Newspaper

    Police hunt teacher banned for claiming extra cash



    - BBC News

    The police are carrying out a fraud investigation into a languages teacher who claimed extra cash from parents for school trips. The teacher who planned three residential trips for the 2017 summer term asked parents at a school in Huntingdon for additional "behaviour deposits" and charged pupils 20 euros each just to board the coach. The Teacher Regulation Agency professional concluded the teacher's conduct "fell short of the expected standards of the profession" and "the offence of fraud is relevant".

  • Newspaper

    New project aims to educate school children, young adults on issue of corruption



    Salifa Karapetyan - Seychelles News Agency

    Educating school children and young adults on the subject of corruption on the Seychelles’ three main islands is the aim of a joint project between Transparency Initiative Seychelles (TIS) and the Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS). Other than educating students and pupils, key activities under the project consist of revising the existing Anti-Corruption Act, reinforcing the capacity of the Transparency Initiatives Seychelles and to improve the latter’s advocacy through technical assistance and equipment.

  • Newspaper

    At exam time, it’s open season on cyber-cheaters



    Madeleine Vatel - Le Monde

    "There are many of us who walk around with our communication detectors," says the chairman of the Joint Technical Competitions (CCP) – soon to change its name to CCINP for the 2019 session - which is the gateway for dozens of Technical schools, and brings together up to 4,000 exam candidates on a single site. Between digital watches and connected glasses, exam cheating has taken a modern turn, and so has exam surveillance.

  • Newspaper

    Foreign students blamed for steep rise in student fraud



    Jan Petter Myklebust - University World News

    There has been a tenfold increase in the number of students using a false alternative address while living at home to claim for a higher rate of living costs, according to figures released by the ministry of higher education and science, and more than three-quarters of those caught cheating were international students. In 2015 only six students were identified as having cheated with regard to the address provided; and for the first 10 months of 2017 the number was 66. Of these, 50 were either immigrants or children of immigrants, while 16 were Danish citizens, the ministry indicated.

  • Newspaper

    Baccalaureate leaks in 2011: four young people sentenced for "fraud"



    - Le Figaro

    The 2011 S Bac math exercise that had leaked on the Internet was not stolen, but there was indeed fraud said the Paris Court of Appeal, which sentenced four young people to three and four month suspended prison terms. This affair had revived the controversy over the profound examination reform. Wanting to make an example of this episode, the Minister of Education had filed a complaint and launched a "zero tolerance" plan against fraud during the baccalaureate. In first instance, the criminal court had acquitted or reduced the sentences of all the defendants prosecuted for concealment, fraud or theft.

  • Newspaper

    Staggering' trade in fake degrees revealed

    Pakistan, UK


    Helen Clifton, Matthew Chapman, Simon Cox - BBC news

    Thousands of UK nationals have bought fake degrees from a multi-million pound "diploma mill" in Pakistan, a BBC Radio 4's File on Four programme investigation has found. Buyers include NHS consultants, nurses and a large defence contractor. One British buyer spent almost £500,000 on bogus documents. The Department for Education said it was taking "decisive action to crack down on degree fraud" that "cheats genuine learners

  • Corruption-risk assessment of the Georgian higher education sector

    This report presents the main conclusions of a corruption-risk assessment of the higher education sector of Georgia, carried out by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) at the request of the Prime Minister’s Office of...

    Poisson, Muriel; Hallak, Jacques

    Paris, UNESCO-IIEP, 2018

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