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1-10 of 72 results

  • Newspaper

    How citizen action on budgets led to 4 new classrooms and saved the taxpayer $6000



    Focal Integrity Team of Cameroon - ONE

    In rural Cameroon, government budget allocations and expenditures are still hidden from public view. Focal Integrity Team of Cameroon (FITCAM) managed to convince public officials to disclose information of public interest to community organizations. They then supported citizens in holding authorities to account on local education projects in the Fako Division of Buea, in South West Cameroon. After exposing the corrupt practices of contractors, the Ministry of Public Contracts declared savings of 5,342, 765 CFA (approximately $5,980) through renegotiating contracts relating to a number of projects.

  • Newspaper

    Show us the money: universities called to explain how they spend funds



    Matthew Knott - The Sydney Morning Herald

    Education Minister wants to make universities more accountable for how they spend their money after it was revealed billions of dollars a year are redirected from teaching to research. A report by the Grattan Institute found that universities report the $26 billion they spend each year in an "opaque" way, concluding: "Australia needs a more transparent system for reporting how universities spend their money."

  • Corruption in college admissions examinations in China

    This paper examines corruption in college admissions examinations in China. A survey was administered among college students of arts and related majors across China. Based on the data, the magnitude of corruption in the admissions examinations is...

    Qijun Liu, Yaping Peng


  • Newspaper

    Ethiopia: Universities urged to produce ethical graduates and avoid corruption



    - Addis Standard

    The second university ethics and good governance movement summit has kicked off yesterday in Jimma University. Federal ethics and anti-corruption commission Head said universities should pay equal attention to producing ethical graduates as much as training competent ones. The Head added major construction projects at universities, bids on purchases, student canteen services, etc. should be based on accountability and transparency.

  • Newspaper

    ICPC targets universities in anti-corruption fight



    Damilol Oyedele - All Africa

    Abuja — The Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) has targeted Nigerian Universities as part of preventive measures in the long term strategy of the anti-corruption fight. The commission plans to engage management and staff of tertiary institutions to work to imbibe a culture of transparency and accountability in the overall interest of the country.

  • Newspaper

    An Online portal to report corruption cases launched in Tirana



    - UNDP

    A National Forum on the fight against corruption was organized in Tirana today bringing together cabinet ministers, international organizations, civil servants, civil society and media.The Government of Albania considers transparency and accountability, the cornerstone of the fight against corruption and it is committed to put its fight within the context of modernizing public services delivery.

  • Newspaper

    The fight against corruption in the education sector of the DRC

    Congo DR


    Augustin Tumba Nzuji - FENECO/UNTC

    The participants reflected on accountability and transparency of management and financing of the teaching system in DRC, and elaborated implementation strategies for the various stakeholders. .../... Several themes were discussed of which the integrated strategy of the fight against corruption in the education sector and the financing of education by the State at the local level, teachers' salaries, etc.

  • Newspaper

    SERAP Asks Nigeria's Education Minister to Probe Alleged Stealing of Teachers' Salaries



    Adetokunbo Mumuni - Premium Times

    The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project, SERAP, has asked the Minister of Education to "urgently probe alleged stealing of teachers" salaries and benefits in several Federal Government colleges across the country, and punish suspected perpetrators.

  • Newspaper

    It's your school: Keeping Mexico's education system transparent



    Rafael Garcia Aceves - Transparency International

    Last December, 1,055 high school communities around Mexico – comprising almost 1.3 million students – engaged in a transparency and accountability exercise. This involves each principal of public high schools completing three electronic forms covering more than 100 indicators. These range from income and expenditure, to enrolment and academic performance, to the condition of school equipment and infrastructure.

  • Incentives and accountability in education: a literature review

    This literature review was carried out under an EdData II task order that funds measurement and research support to USAID's Education Strategy Goal 1, 100 million children reading by 2015. It summarizes evidence on incentive and accountability...

    USA. Agency for International Development

    Washington, D.C., USAID, 2014

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