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1-10 of 17 results

  • Video

    In-depth investigation on contract cheating in Canada



    680 NEWS -

    The video concerns cases of "contract cheating" in Toronto, Canada. In an investigative report, a reporter from 680 News speaks with a Kenyan man who claims to have written hundreds of essays for Toronto students. 

  • Newspaper

    How a Chinese company bought access to admissions officers at top U.S. colleges

    USA, China


    Steve Stecklow, Renee Dudley, James Pomfret and Alexandra Harney - Reuters

    A major Chinese education company has paid thousands of dollars in perks or cash to admissions officers at top U.S. universities to help students apply to American schools. According to eight former employees the company’s services didn’t end there. Employees engaged in practices such as writing application essays for students, altering recommendation letters and modifying grades on high school transcripts. The company’s success in gaining access to leading American colleges underscores how people on both sides of the Pacific are hungry to capitalize on Chinese students’ desire to study in the United States.

  • Newspaper

    China accused of buying influence over Australian universities



    David Matthews - Times higher education

    The Chinese government is buying influence over Australian universities by donating libraries and funds for institutes as part of a broader push to strengthen its soft power in the country, two Australian journalists have argued. The debate in Australia echoes concerns in the US, where the Chinese government has been accused of seeking to exert control over the academy by funding Confucius Institutes on university campuses.

  • Newspaper

    Fake US university exposes 'pay-to-stay' immigration fraud

    USA, China, India


    - BBC News

    Twenty-one people have been arrested after US authorities set up a fake university to expose immigration fraud. Officials said the accused knew that the University of Northern New Jersey did not exist, but they were unaware it was a ruse run by immigration agents. The defendants acted as brokers for more than 1,000 foreigners who sought to maintain student and work visas, prosecutors said. Most foreign nationals involved in the scheme came from China and India.

  • Newspaper

    Cheating epidemic ‘fuelled by foreign students’



    Brendan O'Malley - University World News

    The United Kingdom is suffering a cheating epidemic fuelled by the influx of international students, with almost 50,000 students at British universities caught cheating in the past three years, according to an investigation by The Times newspaper based on responses to more than 100 freedom of information requests. The investigation found that students from outside of the European Union were more than four times as likely to cheat in exams and coursework.

  • Newspaper

    42 bogus universities and colleges shut down

    South Africa


    Russel Molefe - The New Age

    Forty-two bogus colleges and universities which offered fake and unaccredited programmes have been shut down, the Department of higher education and training said. They include three bogus universities which purported to be US-based and offered degrees in 15 days. They are Barkley University, Study for Career Success and the Fargo University.

  • Newspaper

    Making it easier to spot fake degrees

    South Africa


    Mogomotsi Magome - IOL News

    The SA Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is introducing new regulations on the evaluation of qualifications obtained from foreign institutions to curb the scourge of fake degrees. SAQA has also introduced new security features on its certificate of evaluation which compared the foreign qualification with those offered in South Africa.

  • Newspaper

    In international student recruitment, questions on integrity persist



    Karin Fischer - The Chronicle of Higher Education

    The agent debate is dead. Long live the integrity debate. For some time now, the discussion about whether American colleges could use commission-based agents when recruiting students abroad has been the hottest of hot-button issues in international admissions, with each camp staking out fiercely partisan positions.

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