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1-6 of 6 results

  • Newspaper

    Beware of fake universities, NCHE warns



    Esther Mark - Edufrica

    The National Commission on Higher Education says students seeking enrollment in universities in the country should inquire whether such institutions are registered with the Ministry of Education. The commission’s Director General said these fake or substandard universities offer degrees in various professions at poor quality to students.

  • Newspaper

    Are schools cheating to give children better grades? 'Money-for-marks culture' is blamed after investigation exposes malpractice in exam marking system



    Lucy Waterlow - MailOnline

    An ITV documentary has investigated whether some schools are taking duplicitous measures to achieve top marks. The problem is said to have developed after league tables based on exam results were introduced in 1992, putting more pressure on schools to perform well. Schools can obtain more financial rewards if they feature highly in league tables, while the jobs of heads and teachers are at risk if a bad Ofsted inspection means the school goes into special measures.

  • Newspaper

    Anti-corruption unit to police university exam



    Matt Blomberg - University News

    The Cambodian government's Anti-Corruption Unit has been called on to police next month's national school-leaving exam in a bid to stamp out systemic cheating that has for decades compromised the quality of high school students applying for university places.

  • Newspaper

    Rwanda: Forgery hurting city education



    Stephen Mugisha - The New Times

    Falsification of report cards to obtain admission into private schools in Kigali is listed as one of the major challenges hampering education quality. Speaking during an education workshop organised by Kigali City Council, an education activist from Power in Education, a local civil society organisation, revealed that a recent survey indicated that over 100 students in various city schools used forged report cards to obtain admission.

  • Newspaper

    Unaccredited Unilak defies ministry order



    Ignatius Ssuuna - The New Times

    The university "Laique Advantiste de Kigali" (Unilak) has defied a directive from the Education ministry requiring it to submit academic credentials of recruited lecturers for verification. According to sources in the ministry, the university leadership continues to recruit students. Unilak secured a provisional license but the ministry nevertheless refused to grant it the degree-awarding accreditation, citing lack of capacity to provide quality education.

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