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1-10 of 61 results

  • Newspaper

    Kibaki passes law to regulate higher education sector



    Edwin Mutai - Business Daily

    Foreign universities offering degrees in Kenya without accreditation will be fined at least Sh10 million and their promoters sent to jail for three years under a new law meant to safeguard education standards. The Commission on University Education (CUE) will replace the Commission of Higher Education in overseeing university standards.

  • Newspaper

    Students warned of unregistered courses

    South Africa


    Leanee Jansen - IOL News

    The Department of Higher Education has warned students to be wary of "registered" private colleges which offer certificates, diplomas and degrees but do not have its stamp of approval. A department spokesman expressed concern about the current trend whereby institutions secured registration for one or two programmes, and then used this status as a cover to offer other unregistered courses.

  • Newspaper

    Bribery and laundering charges reveal accreditation mess



    María Elena Hurtado - World University News

    The former president of Chile's National Accreditation Commission (NCA) and two former university rectors have been jailed on charges of bribery and money laundering. They will spend at least six months in prison, which is how long the Public Prosecution Office has said it will take to investigate the charges.

  • Newspaper

    Bulgarian Government: Universities react harshly to Turkey's diploma non-recognition



    - Sofia News Agency

    Turkey has suspended its recognition of Bulgarian university diplomas. The Turkish University Education Council made this decision on the grounds of high levels of academic forgery, fraud and exam cheating in Bulgaria. Bulgaria's Education Minister has admonished the Bulgarian media for provoking an international scandal, claiming that the problematic diplomas were forged by Turkish citizens.

  • Newspaper

    Continued crackdown on foreign-linked institutions

    Viet Nam


    Francis Yu - University World News

    The Vietnamese government has continued a crackdown on unauthorized foreign-linked institutions operating in the country by blacklisting another seven colleges. The move follows the closure and fining of a number of foreign-affiliated institutions in the past six months.

  • Newspaper

    India's university system in "deep crisis"



    Rama Lakshmi - The Washington Post

    After studying for two years to be a teacher, one student found out that the degree her school offers is worthless. It is a story being replayed across many Indian cities. Poorly regulated, unaccredited and often entirely fake colleges have sprung up as demand for higher education accelerates, driven by rising aspirations and a bulging youth population.

  • Newspaper

    Ministry changes rules on course inspections after diploma scandal



    Robert Visscher - University World News

    Independent investigations into journalism diplomas awarded at Windesheim University have found that one in four students should not actually have been awarded one. In what is seen as one of the biggest failures of quality assurance in Netherlands higher education, two independent committees that looked into the work of all students who graduated in the past two years concluded that 86 out of 360 students should not have received a diploma.

  • Newspaper

    Degree mills tarnish private higher education


    Sarah King-Head - University World News

    According to the most recent report of Accredibase, the UK-based background screening company Verifile Limited, there was a staggering 48% increase in the number of known degree or diploma mills operating worldwide last year. It identified more than 2,500 bogus institutions across all regions, but primarily in North America and Europe.

  • Newspaper

    Disingenuous data



    Doug Lederman - Inside Higher Ed

    Iona College acknowledged Tuesday that its former provost had, for nearly a decade, manipulated and misreported student-related data to government officials, accrediting bodies, bond rating agencies, and others.

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