1-10 of 13 results

  • Le Plagiat de la recherche scientifique

    Le plagiat touche toutes les disciplines scientifiques. Le plagiat fragilise la société de la connaissance. La question est d'importance au sein des communautés scientifiques de toute la planète. Son analyse interpelle les étudiants, les doctorants...

    Guglielmi , Gilles J., Koubi, Geneviève

    Paris, LGDJ, 2012

  • La Fraude aux examens dans l'enseignement supérieur

    Les épreuves de brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS) et de médecine ont été marquées par plusieurs incidents importants en 2011. Inscrit dans le programme de travail 2011-2012 des inspections, le rapport sur les fraudes aux examens dans l...

    Mazodier, Myriem, Blémont, Patrice, Foucault, Marc, Kesler, Stéphane

    Paris, MESR, 2012

  • Newspaper

    Universities prepare to fight against plagiarism



    Marie-Estelle Pech - Le Figaro

    According to teacher estimates, 20% of assignments are copied and pasted from other sources. Anti-plagiarism charters should be systematically signed by both universities and students, but nothing can beat the eagle eye of the lecturer.

  • Le Plagiat étudiant

    Les médias traitent souvent du plagiat chez les écrivains, les musiciens ou les universitaires. Cette pratique concerne aussi les étudiants dont 34,5% auraient déjà recopié tout ou partie d'un texte pour le présenter comme personnel dans le cadre d...

    Guibert, Pascal, Michaut, Christophe


  • Pourquoi les étudiants trichent-ils?

    Fréquemment dénoncée, fortement médiatisée, la tricherie scolaire semble avoir connu un tournant majeur avec les "fuites" au baccalauréat S en 2011. Alors même que les sanctions "officielles", celles qui sont prononcées par les conseils ou les...

    Guibert, Pascal, Michaut, Christophe


  • Newspaper

    Why is plagiarism poisoning universities?



    Philippe Jacqué - Le Monde

    Students, lecturers: who are the plagiarists? Has the Internet revolutionized cheating? How can we combat this phenomenon, which over the last five years has taken on exponential dimensions.

  • Newspaper

    Plagiarism: The catholic university of Louvain tests a software anti-cheat



    Isabelle Decoster - Catholic University of Louvain

    The plagiarism is more and more spread in universities. In cause, Internet. To overcome this phenomenon, the catholic university of Louvain makes sensitive and tests a detector software of plagiarism. Every work or report is scanned by the software. Green light, the work is "sane". Red light, similarities with accessible documents on the Web or in the works of other students exist and the teacher will have to establish the scale of the plagiarism.

  • Newspaper

    A software against the scientific plagiarism



    Pierre Le Hir - Le Monde / Direct matin

    An investigation published by Nature, reveals that a scientific plagiarism has course among researchers too. Two researchers from South-western Medical Centre of the University of Texas, Mounir Errami and Harold Garner, auscultated an American medical documentation base, Medline, where summaries of 17 million articles published in more than 5,000 reviews from some 80 countries are indexed. They screened it through an engine search, eTBLAST, which is able to locate the "similarities". While focusing on the most quoted 7 million articles, they located a little more than 70,000 cases of "high resemblance". That which, taking into account the limits of the software, makes them estimate the number of plagiarisms at more than 200,000, out of the 17 million referred articles.

  • Newspaper

    Science and fraud, guilty connection



    Pierre Le Hir - Le Monde / Direct matin

    The ministry of Higher education and research entrusted to the national Centre of scientific research (CNRS) a mission on scientific integrity. Scientific fraud is varied: biased manufacturing or forgery of results, biased interpretation or selection of data, alteration of curves or images, plagiarism, theft of ideas, financial profit-sharing's ... The increasing pressure which practices on the researchers (among which the career and the credits depend strictly on the quantity of articles and on produced results) tend to multiply the fraudulent practices.

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