1-10 of 154 results

  • Newspaper

    Serbia expels a school for teaching corruption



    Daniel Simpson - NY Times

    Ten weeks in charge of Belgrade's most unruly high school killed its Director's passion for education. Few of the staff members were willing to cooperate with her efforts to stop a system of bribery for good grades. When the police caught one math teacher accepting a marked 50-euros note from a student and the problem came out into the open, the teachers rebelled against her with a vote of no confidence in her authority.

  • Corruption and the education sector

    This paper discusses reasons why national education systems are particularly vulnerable to pervasive corruption, forms that corruption takes within the education sector, and interventions that have been suggested for reducing corruption. It argues...

    Chapman, David

    Washington D.C., MSI, 2002

  • Approvisionnement en livres scolaires : vers plus de transparence

    Les dépenses consacrées aux manuels scolaires et aux matériels pédagogiques, pour le seul enseignement de base et pour l'ensemble de l'Afrique francophone, atteignent un peu plus de 500 milliards de francs CFA pour la dernière décennie. Une telle...

    Leguéré, Jean-Pierre

    Paris, UNESCO, 2003

  • Ethique et déontologie dans les métiers de l'éducation

    Destiné plus particulièrement aux enseignants, aux conseillers d'éducation, aux chefs d'établissement et aux inspecteurs, ce second numéro des "Cahiers d'Education & Devenir", intitulé "Éthique et déontologie dans les métiers de l'éducation", a pour...

    Marseille (France), Education & Devenir, 2003

  • Corruption and abuse of power in educational administration

    Corruption and abuse of power in educational administration in K–12 and higher education institutions are important, though neglected, research topics. As such, they might rightfully be termed our profession's “dirty little secrets.” This article...

    Waine, Duncan, Allen, David


  • KICAC annual report 2002 (summary)

    The Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption was founded in January 2002 following the enactment of the Anti-Corruption Act in 2001, which was a response to a national call to root out corruption. It aims at ultimately shifting from the...

    Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption

    Seoul, KICAC, 2003

  • Newspaper

    Ministry officials identify cause of "Ghost teachers"



    Sidney Miria - All Africa

    According to the Ministry of Education and Sport, at least 952 teachers are "ghosts" or irregularly kept on the payroll. Investigations reveal that some head teachers have allowed some teachers to remain on the payroll irregularly. Given an average salary of sh250,000 per month per teacher, government has been paying sh238m monthly to ghost teachers.

  • Newspaper

    Central Asia: buying ignorance – Corruption touches many different lives


    Bruce Pannier - RFE/RL

    Low wages and lax standards have created a vicious cycle: teachers and school administrators demand bribes; parents feel they can't refuse.

  • Newspaper

    National teachers institute identifies causes of exam malpractice



    Juliana Taiwo - This Day

    The National Teachers institute (NTI) has said emphasis on exam certificates by higher institutions and employers of labour is responsible for examination malpractice in the nation's institutions of learning. It also fingered poor teaching and administration by school heads – registering unqualified students, facilitating impersonation, using classrooms rather than halls to conduct exams as contributing to the menace of examination malpractices.

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