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1-10 of 95 results

  • Newspaper

    Paper accuses vice-chancellor of nepotism, two years late



    Paul Fauvet - Agencia de Informacao de Mocambique

    The legal advisor to the Eduardo Mondlane University has denied that there was anything improper in giving scholarships to people who do not work at the university. In 2003 alone, over 147,000 US dollars, money that should have been used to send teachers to take further degrees abroad, in order to build up the institutional capacity of the university, were allegedly spent instead on the Vice-Chancellor's daughter, two children of the head of the universities public relations and 16 others.

  • Newspaper

    U. of New Zealand comes under attack

    New Zealand


    David Cohen - The Chronicle of Higher Education

    The president of New Zealand's largest postsecondary institution defended it last month against politicians who have accused it of widespread corruption. It is also suggested that the university is home to nepotism and fraudulent accounting.

  • Newspaper

    Steps and Strumbles



    Vasili Rukhadze - TOL-Open Education Society News

    In Georgia, the Soviet legacy and the later collapse of state institutions produced an educational system plagued by corruption, nepotism, centralization and lack of teachers and professors. In addition, during the 90's, private low-quality schools with titles like "university" and "institute" sprang up. Controversies have been raised after colleges and universities have been closed or merged, and thousands of academic and administrative positions abolished.

  • Newspaper

    Entrance-exam points bought, parents say



    Lilian Zhang - South China Morning Post

    Disgruntled parents in Zhejiang have complained to provincial education authorities over a policy that gave 19 children of government officials and teachers special treatment in college entrance examinations. These Practices are often linked to abuse of power and corruption, showed the vulnerability of the education system.

  • Newspaper

    Velasco Ibarra School a No-Man's-Land



    - Ultimas Noticias

    Le directeur provincial de l'éducation confirme que le principal d'une école du soir, au nord de Quito, fait l'objet d'une enquête suite à des soupçons de détournement de fonds et de harcèlement sexuel. Le principal, à la tête de l'école depuis 23 ans, a demandé aux étudiants d'acheter des uniformes et des joggings exclusivement à l'école ; en outre, il a embauché deux de ses proches en tant qu'enseignants alors que l'un d'entre eux n'avait jamais enseigné.

  • Newspaper

    Audit condemns management at elite Paris institute



    Jane Marshall - University World News

    The financial management of the elite Institute of Political Studies in Paris has been strongly criticized in an official report that found evidence of exorbitant bonuses, absence of controls and waste of public funds. The report revealed a chaotic management that consisted more of "little deals between friends than a serious administration of public funds".

  • Newspaper

    Drive to stamp out nepotism in universities



    Lee Adendorff - University World News

    The Italian cabinet has ordered the roll-out of a national accreditation scheme for academics to stamp out nepotism. Under the new scheme, commissions of five senior academics appointed in each university will accredit applicants for associate or full professorships on the basis of the quality and quantity of their academic output.

  • Newspaper

    Investigation into national exam "scam"



    Suzan Fraser - Associated Press

    Turkish prosecutors are investigating allegations of possible cheating and favouritism in the annual university entrance exam sat by 1.7 million students on 27 March. Suspicions were raised this week after a lawyer discovered a formula for correct answers for multiple-choice maths questions on one exam.

  • Newspaper

    Family fiefdoms blamed for tainting Italian universities



    Michael Day - The Independent

    A new research shows the extent of nepotism in higher education. Overall, the country's higher institutions are 10 times more likely than other places of work to employ two or more members of the same family. This grip of family fiefdoms is blamed for a nationwide brain drain.

  • Newspaper

    Prejudice denying thousands of children boarding school places



    - The Guardian

    The Boarding Schools Association (BSA) chairman Melvyn Roffe has declared that thousands of vulnerable children are being denied the chance to go to a boarding school because of ignorance and prejudice in local councils. He has also stated that there are hundreds of children whose life would be transformed by having a place in one of those schools, but because of bureaucratic procedures they are condemned to an ever diminishing circle of failure.

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