1-10 of 11 results

  • Le Plagiat académique: comprendre pour agir

    Le traitement du plagiat dans l'univers académique paraît insurmontable car il renvoie l'académique et le juridique dos à dos. Cet ouvrage propose une méthodologie concrète de compréhension et d'action tant pour les acteurs, plagiés et plagieurs, que...

    Bergadaà, Michelle

    Paris, L'Harmattan, 2015

  • Newspaper

    Two law students who hand in similar exams are in police custody



    - L'Express éducation

    It was the Director of the University of Law in Le Havre who drew this violation to the attention of the Public Prosecutor. Cheating on an exam is punished by a maximum sentence of 3 years imprisonment and a fine of 9000 Euros.

  • Newspaper

    A case of plagiarism troubles the direction of the school of journalism Science Po



    Isabelle Rey-Lefebvre - Le Monde

    The executive Director of the School of Journalism, Sciences Po, is accused of copying/pasting extracts of articles in her chronicles on the Huffington Post, without quoting her sources. The Director of the School of journalism wrote to both students and staff stating that: "the school, that teaches deontology, cannot take lightly such affairs".

  • Newspaper

    The General Auditor denounces bad management at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin



    Camille Stromboni - L'étudiant

    The financial crisis at UVSQ (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin), on the edge of default in payment in late 2013, is "essentially the result of the institution's failure to anticipate the consequences of management decisions".

  • Le Plagiat, un enjeu pour l'intégrité des universités: le cas du Mexique

    Le secteur tertiaire est victime depuis quelques années de cas de fraude académique, et en particulier de plagiat, de plus en plus fréquents. Ces manquements à l'intégrité académique que tout étudiant se doit d'observer dans le cadre des règlements...

    Pautrat, Virginie

    Paris, Université de Paris V, 2014

  • Newspaper

    University faces increase in "bogus" student grants



    Pascale Krémer - Le Monde

    According to the President of a University in Perpignan in the department of the Pyrénées-Orientales which has the third highest rate of unemployment in France: "These bogus students have always existed but in the past three years, they are on the increase, partly due to youth unemployment and a lack of financial support for the transition period between school and work ...".

  • Le Plagiat de la recherche scientifique

    Le plagiat touche toutes les disciplines scientifiques. Le plagiat fragilise la société de la connaissance. La question est d'importance au sein des communautés scientifiques de toute la planète. Son analyse interpelle les étudiants, les doctorants...

    Guglielmi , Gilles J., Koubi, Geneviève

    Paris, LGDJ, 2012

  • Newspaper

    Plagiarism: The catholic university of Louvain tests a software anti-cheat



    Isabelle Decoster - Catholic University of Louvain

    The plagiarism is more and more spread in universities. In cause, Internet. To overcome this phenomenon, the catholic university of Louvain makes sensitive and tests a detector software of plagiarism. Every work or report is scanned by the software. Green light, the work is "sane". Red light, similarities with accessible documents on the Web or in the works of other students exist and the teacher will have to establish the scale of the plagiarism.

  • La Relation éthique-plagiat dans la réalisation des travaux personnels par les étudiants

    Le rapport "La relation éthique-plagiat dans la réalisation des travaux personnels par les étudiants" est le résultat des analyses de la Commission Ethique-Plagiat mandatée par le Rectorat de l'Université de Genève pour faire le point de la situation...

    Bergadaà, Michelle, Dell'Ambrogio, Piera, Falquet, Gilles, Mc Adam, Daisy, Peraya, Daniel, Scariati, Renato

    Genève, Université de Genève, Commission Ethique-Plagiat, 2008

  • Newspaper

    The general inspection questions the value of university degrees



    - La lettre de l'éducation

    According to the report of the general inspection of the administration of the national education and the research (IGAENR), the evaluation of the students at the university is not good. Actually, the fragmentation of the evaluations (due to the transition to the half yearly of the studies connected to the passage in the LMD) and the complexity of rules, return the illegible system for the students. It also entails disparities of treatment; thus universities develop their own rules of evaluation: the faculties with big workforce opt for the multiple choice question paper, faster and easy to organize. Besides, the cheating is another factor that undermine the credibility of the diplomas: according to the questioned students, between 25 and 50 % of the students resort to it.

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