1-8 of 8 results

  • Newspaper

    A student falsified his diplomas to obtain a scholarship



    - Le Figaro

    A 23-year-old man, residing a stone's throw from Lyon, was arrested on Tuesday morning, 3 October, for trying to fool the higher education scholarship system. During the 2016-2017 school year, the young man had received government money based on the establishment he claimed to be attending the conditions he had declared. The problem was that the student had falsified his university registration document, and Crous, which manages student grants, came to realize it.

  • Newspaper

    Exam cheaters in china risk 7 years of prison



    Fanny Lauzier - Le Figaro

    This is what is provided in a law passed last autumn to combat endemic levels of cheating during the gaokao, china’s national exam which determines the future career of its candidates. Following the adoption of the law, student caught or accused of cheating can face seven years imprisonment in a state gaol. A law voted in last autumn, also makes cheating a crime. This is why, last Tuesday 7 June, the day of the goakao, the Chinese authorities ordered the deployment of 768 police officers, tasked with supervising the country’s 96 exam centres.

  • Le Plagiat académique: comprendre pour agir

    Le traitement du plagiat dans l'univers académique paraît insurmontable car il renvoie l'académique et le juridique dos à dos. Cet ouvrage propose une méthodologie concrète de compréhension et d'action tant pour les acteurs, plagiés et plagieurs, que...

    Bergadaà, Michelle

    Paris, L'Harmattan, 2015

  • Le Plagiat, un enjeu pour l'intégrité des universités: le cas du Mexique

    Le secteur tertiaire est victime depuis quelques années de cas de fraude académique, et en particulier de plagiat, de plus en plus fréquents. Ces manquements à l'intégrité académique que tout étudiant se doit d'observer dans le cadre des règlements...

    Pautrat, Virginie

    Paris, Université de Paris V, 2014

  • Le Plagiat de la recherche scientifique

    Le plagiat touche toutes les disciplines scientifiques. Le plagiat fragilise la société de la connaissance. La question est d'importance au sein des communautés scientifiques de toute la planète. Son analyse interpelle les étudiants, les doctorants...

    Guglielmi , Gilles J., Koubi, Geneviève

    Paris, LGDJ, 2012

  • Corrupt schools, corrupt universities: what can be done?

    Rigged calls for tender, embezzlement of funds, illegal registration fees, academic fraud - there is no lack of empirical data illustrating the diverse forms that corruption can take in the education sector. Surveys suggest that fund leakage from...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2007

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