1-10 of 27 results

  • Newspaper

    The State determined to eradicate corruption and fraud in the education



    - IRIN

    For the very first time in Guinea, professors were suspended by their functions for facts of corruption and the students were condemned to pay a fine or to a prison sentence for fraud in the examinations. During his taking of office, Mr Souaré, Minister of the Higher education and the scientific research - who arises from the labor union of the teachers and which fought in the past against the corruption - had indicated that it would make of the fight against the fraud and the corruption its first priority.

  • Newspaper

    The general inspection questions the value of university degrees



    - La lettre de l'éducation

    According to the report of the general inspection of the administration of the national education and the research (IGAENR), the evaluation of the students at the university is not good. Actually, the fragmentation of the evaluations (due to the transition to the half yearly of the studies connected to the passage in the LMD) and the complexity of rules, return the illegible system for the students. It also entails disparities of treatment; thus universities develop their own rules of evaluation: the faculties with big workforce opt for the multiple choice question paper, faster and easy to organize. Besides, the cheating is another factor that undermine the credibility of the diplomas: according to the questioned students, between 25 and 50 % of the students resort to it.

  • Newspaper

    Two civil servants arrested for fraud at the BEPC

    Burkina Faso


    - Afriquenligne

    A member of the commission responsible for the examinations at the end of the first cycle of secondary (BEPC) and 50 other persons have been arrested. According to the police, they stole copies of the tests before the start of the exams. Using new technology, they swiftly copied the questions and put them on sale for students and parents in some areas of the country.

  • Corrupt schools, corrupt universities: what can be done?

    Rigged calls for tender, embezzlement of funds, illegal registration fees, academic fraud - there is no lack of empirical data illustrating the diverse forms that corruption can take in the education sector. Surveys suggest that fund leakage from...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2007

  • Principes d'éthique de la coopération internationale évaluée selon l'effectivité des droits de l'homme: document de Bergamo

    Ce document a été élaboré lors du colloque L'éthique de la coopération internationale et l'effectivité des droits humains, qui s'est tenu à Bergamo en Italie, à l'invitation des chaires UNESCO de Bergamo, Cotonou et Fribourg, les 12-14 mai 2005. Il a...

    UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Ethics of International Cooperation. Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy)

    Bergamo (Italy), Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 2007

  • La Morale professionnelle des instituteurs: code Soleil et Ferré

    Le Code Soleil dénommé aussi Le livre des Instituteurs a formé en Ecoles normales des milliers d'instituteurs du XXeme siècle. Ce code expose les principes essentiels qui doivent guider l'instituteur dans l'exercice de sa fonction. Que doit faire...

    Pachod, André

    Paris, L'Harmattan, 2007

  • Uses and abuses of governance indicators

    Rapidly rising attention to the quality of governance in developing countries is driving explosive growth in the use of governance indicators by international investors, donors of official development assistance, development analysts and academics...

    Arndt, Christiane, Oman, Charles

    Paris, OECD, 2006

  • Newspaper

    Ministry issues list of recognized private universities



    - Ministry of Education, Cameroon/ World Education News & Reviews

    Un anuncio aparecido en el sitio Web del Ministerio de Educación muestra la lista de las 12 instituciones privadas que han sido autorizadas oficialmente. De todas ellas, solo al l'Institut Catholique de Yaoundé se le ha concedido la capacidad de otorgar diplomas nacionales. Las otras 11 instituciones solo están autorizadas para preparar a los estudiantes para los exámenes que llevan a los diplomas nacionales.

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