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1-10 of 140 results

  • Newspaper

    Allegations of bribery, corruption and sex in universities

    Congo DR


    - University World News

    Allegations of corruption and immorality within the Congolese university community have been aired in a new book by a former education minister and current professor of languages at the University of Kinshasa. He proposed lowering student numbers to a controllable level to guarantee efficiency during examinations and academic deliberations.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption, extortion, war – Welcome to Ukraine



    Ararat L Osipian - University World News

    Ukraine has little to offer international students. The quality of education offered is low, there is endless red tape and corruption is rife. Over the past quarter century, the quality of education offered has dropped dramatically due not only to a lack of state funding and a consequent brain drain, but primarily to rampant endemic corruption. Failed structural reforms and institutional incapacity in higher education have left Ukrainian youth without any hope of receiving world-class education and have had a negative impact on international students as well.

  • Newspaper

    Canadian university professors 'condemn' Carleton University board for gag order



    Chris Cobb - Ottawa Citizen

    The association representing Canada’s university professors has condemned Carleton University’s board of governors for a new policy that will ban board members from speaking publicly about the meetings they attend. The professors say the move is a violation of transparency and openness that is fundamental to academic freedom. The board has also moved to ban faculty and student union representatives from sitting on the board, claiming they are in conflict of interest.

  • Newspaper

    Sydney businessman accused of visa scam, still operating despite charges against him



    Steve Cannane and Brigid Andersen - ABC News

    A Sydney businessman accused of ripping off foreign students is continuing to run his operation despite facing 22 charges of fraud and misconduct. According to a former employee, the company, posing as the client, sets up fake email accounts to try and obtain visas, in direct infringement of The Migration Act.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption monitors and armed patrols – It must be exam time



    Matt Blomberg - University world news

    With a mandate to reform a severely flawed education system that produced university graduates who had paid for – rather than studied for – their grades, Cambodia’s Education Minister went to extreme measures to clean up corruption and bribery in Cambodia’s national university entrance exam.

  • Newspaper

    New developments in shocking cash-for-admissions racket



    Suchitra Behal - University World News

    In an ongoing investigation into a cash-for-admissions racket, the enrolments of 1,080 students in a pre-medical course in Madhya Pradesh state in central India between 2009 and 2013 have been cancelled. The scam, initially exposed in 2013, and two recent high-profile deaths linked to it have sent shock waves across the country. Millions of rupees are believed to have changed hands in what some have described as India’s biggest-ever rigging case.

  • Newspaper

    Macquarie University revokes degrees for students caught buying essays in MyMaster cheating racket



    Lisa Visentin - The Sydney Morning herald

    Macquarie University has revoked the degrees of two students and prevented a further 10 from graduating after an independent investigation revealed the students used an online ghost-writing service to complete their assignments. The Northern Sydney University is the latest institution to finalise its internal investigations into the MyMaster cheating racket, in which up to 1,000 students from 16 universities hired the online company MyMaster to write their assignments and sit for online tests.

  • Newspaper

    Scandals put teaching of economics in the dock



    Maria Elena Hurtado - University world news

    The spate of financial scandals that are rocking Chile have stirred a wholesome debate in the country on the importance of ethics in the teaching of economics. The Pontifical Catholic University of Chile’s economics and administration faculty has been under the spotlight since three of its former students, previously hailed as 'star students', were prosecuted and jailed for a week pending trial for tax fraud and other financial crimes

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