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21-30 of 377 results

  • Newspaper

    Liberia: #corruptionmustgo: Musicians mobilize to minimize corruption in Liberia



    Brooks Marmon - OSIWA

    As Liberia enters its second decade of peace, its music industry continues to gain popularity. The Accountability Lab, an OSIWA partner, has been working with hip co (a Liberian urban music genre) musicians in Liberia to promote integrity and combat corruption. A recent performance at the University of Liberia (UL) highlighted the challenges faced by Liberian students in order to register for classes.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption undermines rise of East Asian universities


    Rui Yang - International Higher Education

    The recent rise of East Asian universities has greatly impressed the academic world. However, a number of terms have been used to describe the academic culture in East Asian universities, such as integrity, ethics, misconduct and even corruption. Academic culture has been cited as a significant impediment for East Asian higher education to reach a leading status in the world. The toxic academic culture is another expression of East Asia’s greatest challenge: universities have not yet figured out how to combine the 'standard norms' of Western higher education with traditional values.

  • Newspaper

    Government to ensure integrity in national exams



    Erika Anindita - The Jakarta Post

    On Tuesday, the Culture and Education Minister said that the government was aiming to achieve higher standards of integrity with the implementation of the national exams (UN) starting in 2016. To that end, the Culture and Education Ministry has produced a barometer, namely the UN Integrity Index (IIUN), which measured the percentage of student answer sheets that showed no sign of cheating.

  • Newspaper

    LACC end first phase of anti-graft awareness in schools



    Joe Abban - The New Dawn

    The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) has completed the first phase of its anti-corruption awareness campaign in schools. The first phase which climaxed at the William V.S. Tubman High School in Sinkor covered forty eight schools in Monrovia. LACC Oversight Commissioner for Education & Prevention said talking to the young people of Liberia on corruption was a priority of the Commission. She noted that corruption continues to impede national development and imparting the virtues of integrity in students as future leaders was a major concern to the LACC.

  • Newspaper

    Bribery confession in China calls into question integrity of college admissions



    MICHAEL FORSYTHE - New York Times

    The recent confession to bribery by, the former admissions director for Renmin University, has called into question the integrity of the Chinese college admission system. The President has been mounting a campaign against corruption in China for more than three years, with higher education as one of the focal points. The ruling Communist Party’s antigraft agency has singled out 32 people working in higher education for investigations this year, with China’s education minister saying that corruption would not be tolerated in the education system.

  • Newspaper

    Liberia: LACC official urges increase in education budget



    Calvin Brooks - AllAfrica

    The acting Chairperson of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) has called for increased budgetary allotment to the education sector to adequately prepare Liberian youths for future challenges. According to the Chairperson, the assessment report in the education sector indicates that lack of integrity on the part of students and teachers was "extremely high" due to the low budgetary allotment to the sector.

  • Newspaper

    2 proposals for accreditation, 2 shared goals: limits and flexibility



    Eric Kelderman - The Chronicle of Higher Education

    Members of the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity discussed their latest set of proposals to overhaul the accreditation process and the way the committee assesses the accreditors. Soon after, the US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions released a somewhat similar set of proposals in a white paper written by committee staff members.

  • Newspaper

    Youth from Asia Pacific unite in the fight against corruption



    Maud Salber - Transparency International

    33 youths from South-East Asia gathered in January at the first ever International Youth Camp on Youth Empowerment for Transparency and Integrity (YETI) in Cambodia, to learn and exchange on the negative impact of corruption in their countries and across the region, and brainstorm how they could combat the scourge together. The event sought to enhance the young participants’ sense of belonging to a community, inspire them to stand up to corruption and equip them with the tools to do so.

  • Newspaper

    Closing the loop through education


    Harutyun Aleksanyan - Integrity Action

    Education is an important component of integrity building in any society to empower citizens to act with and demand integrity. Universities have a unique role in teaching and preparing future professionals for the workplace with all its challenges. Education is a necessary and important component and tool for carrying out the Community Integrity Building (CIB) approach.

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