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1-10 of 60 results

  • Newspaper

    Researcher admits faking data



    Doug Payne - The Scientist

    A well-known obesity researcher will plead guilty to making material false statements in a 1999 grant application worth $542,000 from the US National Institutes of Health. The researcher, who held various research positions at the University of Vermont (UVM) College of Medicine in Burlington could go to jail for up to 5 years.

  • Newspaper

    Cheating scandal: Sydney University to review medical study unit



    Natalie O'Brien ; Alexandra Smith - The Sydney Morning Herald

    The medical faculty at the University of Sydney will review one of its study units after an academic scandal which involved students falsifying records and interviewing dead patients. A spokeswoman for the university announced it would review its year-long Integrated Population Medicine (IPM), after it was revealed students had falsified reports that were supposed to document the experience of patients living with chronic diseases.

  • Newspaper

    Former Iowa State University Scientist sentenced to over 4 Years for Faking HIV vaccine results



    Vishakha Sonawane - International Business Times

    A former Iowa State University researcher who fabricated the results of an experimental HIV vaccine was sentenced to four years and nine months in prison recently. He was also ordered to pay US$7.2 million to the US National Institutes of Health that funded the research.

  • Using surveys for public sector reform

    Data that can be used to inform policy decisions are typically scarce in low-income countries, where standard policy prescriptions are less likely to apply. But if strategically designed, a survey can help induce policy change by pointing directly to...

    Reinikka, Ritva

    Washington, World Bank, 1999

  • Honesty, accountability and trust: fostering research integrity in Canada

    Academic research is a core driver of modern society. It plays a major role in economic competitiveness, environmental protection, and the health and safety of Canadians. The proper conduct of research is critical to its credibility, the public's...

    Council of Canadian Academies

    Ottawa, Council of Canadian Academies, 2010

  • Corruption and gender in service delivery: the unequal impacts

    It is increasingly recognized that gender acts as a lens to magnify the impacts of corruption, particularly when it comes to service delivery in developing countries. Corruption in the provision of basic services such as health and education can have...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2010

  • West Bank and Gaza: improving governance and reducing corruption

    In the past decade, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has worked to strengthen economic governance and combat corruption, both essential to sustained economic growth and improved delivery of public services. This report finds the PA has made significant...

    World Bank

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2011

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