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1-10 of 206 results

  • Newspaper

    Corruption studies to be introduced in school curriculum



    - Pindula

    During the 10th session of the Conference of State Parties to the United Nations Convention Zimbabwe's Prosecutor-General announced plans to incorporate a curriculum focusing on corruption, ethics, and integrity into the country's education system, from Early Childhood Development to university levels. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), anti-corruption education could be in the form of extra-curricular activities in primary and secondary schools.

  • Newspaper

    ICPC inaugurates students’ anti-corruption clubs in 30 secondary schools in Ekiti



    Priscilla Ediare, Ado-Ekiti - The Sun

    The Independent Corrupt Practices and other related Offences Commission (ICPC) has launched Students Anti-Corruption Clubs (SACs) in 30 public and private secondary schools across Ekiti State. The initiative, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, aims to instill integrity and positive values in students from their early age. The ICPC has established over 2,000 anti-corruption clubs in secondary schools nationwide and introduced initiatives such as the National Values Curriculum and the National Ethics and Integrity Policy to promote moral values.

  • Handbook of good practices in the fight against corruption

    The goal of this Handbook is to map a variety of anti-corruption practices in EU Member States (MS) that have proved to be useful in solving problems related to corruption, and which can inspire similar initiatives elsewhere. For this purpose, one...

    Huss, Oksana, Beke, Mike, Wynarski, Jan, ; Slot, Brigitte

    European Commission, 2023

  • Newspaper

    Haiti: Integrity clubs launched in schools




    The Ministry of Education and the Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption (Anti-Corruption Unit) have launched "integrity clubs" at the Haitian-Canadian secondary school, also involving the Lycée National in Pétion-Ville. Each club, made up of eight members, aims to involve pupils in the fight against corruption through self-learning and civic education from an early age. School headmasters and representatives welcomed the initiative, stressing the importance of training young people to become citizens of integrity to build a new Haiti.

  • Newspaper

    Safeguarding HE integrity needs commitment from all actors



    Villano Qiriazi, Luca Lantero and Chiara Finocchietti - University World News

    The recent ETINED plenary in Paris gathered representatives from 35 European countries to discuss the significance of integrity in higher education. They emphasized the need for ethical principles, transparency, and integrity in education, alongside measures to counter education fraud. The platform shared good practices, including a recommendation on countering education fraud and a forthcoming publication on legal responses and case studies related to education fraud. Discussions covered AI's impact on education, student-centric approaches, and plans for an observatory to combat education fraud.

  • From inception to innovation: a two-decade journey in battling corruption in education


    This article was first published on the IIEP-UNESCO website.

  • Newspaper

    Education Ministry, ACB take corruption education to primary schools



    Leonard Masaul - Maravi Express

    The Ministry of Education plans to incorporate corruption studies into Malawi's primary school curriculum to instil values against corruption. They launched a sourcebook for teachers at Dzenza Primary School, emphasizing the importance of integrity in children and the need to resist corruption. The initiative received endorsement from the UNDP, focusing on behavior change through education. Civil society activists urge the fight against corruption, attributing economic challenges to past practices and calling for investigations into alleged corrupt activities during previous administrations.

  • Newspaper

    Australia expands regulatory oversight of education agents and announces new integrity measures for VET



    - Iceg Monitor

    The Australian Government has introduced stringent measures to tackle fraud and exploitation in the student visa system. These include prohibiting agent commissions for student transfers between institutions, preventing education agents from owning stakes in Australian education providers, and establishing an integrity unit within the vocational education and training (VET) regulatory authority to monitor and enforce compliance among VET providers, emphasizing the importance of student attendance as a risk indicator.

  • Newspaper

    DRC: primary school teacher trainers equipped to fight corruption

    Congo DR


    La Rédaction - Zoomeco

    In collaboration with the UNODC and UNESCO, the Agence de prévention et de lutte contre la corruption (APLC) has organised integrity training for teacher trainers in nursery, primary, secondary, and vocational education. As the leading national authority in the fight against corruption, the APLC aims to take far-reaching action and provide concrete responses through the development of a prevention strategy designed to curb this scourge.

  • Newspaper

    Corrupted: a study of dysfunction in universities in South Africa

    South Africa


    Nico Cloete - University World News

    The new book “Corrupted: A study of chronic dysfunction in South African universities” is an account of chronic corruption rooted in a political economy framework combined with a lack of governance and management capacity and academic integrity. These universities are all located in resource-poor areas where the university is the main source of funding and an opportunity for corruption, ranging from contracts (such as building projects) to services (such as transport), to student accommodation and the sale of fake certificates.

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