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1-10 of 11 results

  • Newspaper

    Former Education Secretary in Puerto Rico indicted in bribery and fraud scheme

    Puerto Rico


    Jim Wyss - Miami Herald

    The FBI announced that the former Education Secretary has been charged with allegations that she used her position to give 1,034 square feet of a school to a company in exchange for financial benefits. If found guilty, she could face sentences of up to 10 years for conspiracy and bribery, and up to 20 years for wire fraud.

  • Newspaper

    Museveni sacks six over rot in education ministry



    Stephen Kafeero - All Africa

    Six senior government officials in the Ministry of Education have been relieved of their duties in relation to massive corruption, abuse of office, fictitious procurements and embezzlement of public resources spanning more than 20 years. The President has also directed that the Contracts Committee of the same ministry be "disbanded with immediate effect" in relation to the "mishandling of the process for procuring furniture for selected primary schools in Uganda under the Ministry of Education and Sports".

  • Newspaper

    NAB to probe Rs4bn corruption in PM Education Reform Programme: Report



    New Desk - Pakistan Today

    National Accountability Bureau (NAB) officials have started collecting evidence pertaining to alleged corruption and financial mismanagement of at least Rs 4 billion in the Prime Minister’s Education Reform Programme. The former prime minister had given at least Rs 4 billion to improve the conditions of 423 federal public educational institutions that come under the purview of the Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) through the Prime Minister’s Education Reform Programme. Corruption and financial mismanagement has allegedly been done in funds allocated for paint jobs, furniture procurement, and construction and renovation projects.

  • Corruption, grabbing and development

    All societies develop their own norms about what is fair behaviour and what is not. Violations of these norms, including acts of corruption, can collectively be described as forms of `grabbing'. This unique volume addresses how grabbing hinders...

    Søreide, Tina, Williams, Aled

    Cheltenham (UK), Edward Elgar, 2014

  • The Global corruption report 2005

    The 2005 Global Corruption Report focuses on corruption in construction and post-conflict reconstruction. It includes expert reports on: post-conflict reconstruction, with a detailed analysis of corruption in Iraq; the mechanisms of corruption in...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2005

  • Ethics and corruption in education: an overview

    Recent surveys suggest that leakage of funds from ministries of education to schools represent more than 80 per cent of the total sums allocated for non salary expenditures in some countries; bribes and payoffs in teacher recruitment and promotion...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel


  • Public expenditure tracking surveys in education

    Public expenditure tracking surveys (PETS) allow policy makers to diagnose how incentives and accountability systems are working in practice and how they can be improved. Among the results provided by PETS are estimates of leakage, data on the...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Smith, Nathanael

    Paris, UNESCO, 2004

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