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1-10 of 2720 results

  • Newspaper

    Corruption is rampant in Northern education

    Sri Lanka


    - Time News

    The vice-president of the Ceylon Teachers Union has accused the Northern Province of misleading the education administration into corruption and bribery for years. Governors had been informed on several occasions about malpractices and abuses that took place in primary schools and notorious girls’ schools in Jaffna without any action being taken.

  • Newspaper

    University to probe possible research integrity violations



    CNN - University World News

    University of Florida (UF) launched an investigation after an internal report detailed a culture of fear among faculty members claiming political influence on campus as well as instances of pressure to destroy and delay publication of COVID-19 research data. The report was the result of a three-week investigation into academic freedom at UF after three full-time professors were prevented from testifying as paid experts in a lawsuit brought against the state over voting rights.

  • Newspaper

    Court orders closure of illegal private universities



    Dawn - University World News

    The Supreme Court of Pakistan has ordered the shutdown of illegal campuses of private universities across the country. Preston University and Al Khair University has set up illegal campuses in Karachi and Lahore and students approached the Higher Education Commission (HEC) because these universities were not issuing degrees. The Court directed the HEC to award degrees to the students who had passed out from illegal campuses through some special arrangement and implement these policies throughout the country.

  • Newspaper

    Education minister sets up panel to probe TET fraud



    - The Indian Express

    Maharashtra State Council of Examination Commissioner and two other accomplices were arrested for alleged involvement in malpractices in the Teachers Eligibility Test. The fraud committed was worth Rs 4.25 crore, and the candidates were asked to pay Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 lakh for passing the exam. A committee headed by Education Chief Secretary has been constituted to thoroughly investigate the case.

  • ETICO: Corruption in education stops here


    Tackling corruption in education is essential to reaching equitable and inclusive quality education for all. IIEP-UNESCO is unveiling a new version of ETICO, the online platform to support educational policy-makers and planners with identifying and overcoming corruption in the sector. The site features everything from guidelines, interactive tools, training materials, to a blog featuring the latest ideas from the global anti-corruption community.

  • Newspaper

    El ministro ordena investigar los " títulos honoríficos falsos

    South Africa


    TimesLive - University World News

    El ministro de Educación Superior sudafricano expresó su preocupación por el creciente número de instituciones falsas que conceden doctorados honoríficos, en su mayoría a celebridades, entre ellas una empresaria y personalidad de la telerrealidad y un artista local. El ministro pidió al Consejo de Educación Superior que investigue y asesore sobre las medidas apropiadas en todos los casos denunciados de estos títulos honoríficos falsos.

  • Newspaper

    Sex for grades scandal: five academics investigated



    Wagdy Sawahel - University World News

    Five professors at Hassan I University in Settat, Morocco, are under investigation after conversations on social media were leaked in which they were allegedly discussing the ‘sextortion’ of female students for extra credits. The academic community called for a Business Ethics module in the university staff training programmes that would stop promoting such abuses.

  • Video

    Corruption in education: what happens when the line is crossed?




    Corruption reduces access to education – from pre-school to university. It creates low-quality learning environments, where the poor suffer the most, and undermines our collective welfare. The video aims to stand up against corruption, because it erodes the foundation of quality education for all. 

  • IIEP Policy Forum on open government to accelerate accountability in education


    Open government initiatives have proliferated in recent years, offering new ways to make decision-making more transparent and inclusive within society at large. IIEP-UNESCO’s upcoming Policy Forum on open government in education will provide an important platform for discussion on how to design and implement open government initiatives that can help ensure equitable and quality inclusive education for all.

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