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1-10 of 43 results

  • Civil society’s role in educational planning: Insights from Zimbabwe


    Evelyn Wadzanayi Chitiga from the Education Coalition of Zimbabwe is a firm believer in the importance of civil society’s involvement in educational planning and management. This inclusion ensures transparency, ownership, sustainability, and accountability.

  • Video

    Corruption compromises ompromises quality of Zimbabwe's education



    Nqobile Tshili - The Chronicle

    According to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, the widespread incidents of sextortion and academic fraud at the country's higher and tertiary learning institutions is a serious threat to the integrity of the degrees and diploma qualifications.

  • Newspaper

    New health research bill might address funding, data issues



    Clemence Manyukwe - Univeristy World News

    Zimbabwe is in the process of developing new medical research legislation aimed at modernizing its approach to health research. This initiative seeks to address concerns such as outdated laws, lack of data transparency, and dependence on foreign funding. By fostering local research initiatives and collaborations between academia and industry, Zimbabwe aims to enhance its capacity for medical research and innovation, aligning with national priorities and advancing towards its Vision 2030 goals.

  • Left behind: corruption in education and health services in Africa

    Corruption undermines sustainable development and the fulfilment of human rights and basic needs. Regardless of where it occurs in the service delivery chain, corruption inevitably trickles down and leads to the widespread denial of access to health...

    Bergin, Jamie

    Transparency International, 2024

  • Newspaper

    Corruption studies to be introduced in school curriculum



    - Pindula

    During the 10th session of the Conference of State Parties to the United Nations Convention Zimbabwe's Prosecutor-General announced plans to incorporate a curriculum focusing on corruption, ethics, and integrity into the country's education system, from Early Childhood Development to university levels. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), anti-corruption education could be in the form of extra-curricular activities in primary and secondary schools.

  • Newspaper

    Zimbabwe: Education ministry sets up complaints desks to nip 'unsavoury' practices by teachers, headmasters



    - All Africa

    The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) has established strategic command centers across the nation to address various issues plaguing schools. These include actions like dismissing students over unpaid fees, offering paid extra lessons, discriminatory enrollment practices, corporal punishment, imposing unapproved fees, and other misconduct. The MoPSE's communications and advocacy director urged stakeholders to utilize designated contacts to report any malpractices. The goal is to ensure that every school-going child receives a quality, fair, and comprehensive primary, and secondary education.

  • Civil society: A key voice in tackling corruption in education


    When education is free of corruption, and a strong culture of transparency and accountability prevails, doors can open for millions of children and youth worldwide. They can access their right to quality education. To accelerate, how can the education sector join forces with civil society organizations? Education Out Loud grantees from Tanzania, Cambodia, and Zimbabwe explain how.

  • Newspaper

    MP questions blame on Matebeleland South school for exam papers leakages



    Leopold Munhende - New Zimbabwe

    Over 5,000 students had their results withdrawn by Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council (ZIMSEC) after massive leaks. A headmaster and a teacher at Thokozani school had been arrested after they gained access to the examination papers and sold them to Zvishavane residents. However, according to a legislator, ZIMSEC used the school as a scapegoat for the examination board’s investigations to be concluded hastily.

  • Newspaper

    Education sector corruption should be addressed



    New Ziana - The Herald

    The Zimbabwe Women Against Corruption Trust Director urged the government to improve the working conditions and remunerations for teachers and investigate on the issue of extra lessons. Teachers in public schools are asking money for in-class extra lessons from students, which is fuelling discrimination against other learners. Those who cannot afford to pay are deprived of equal access to quality education.

  • Newspaper

    Students accuse lecturers of cash-for-marks demands



    TellZim News - University World News

    Students at Masvingo Teachers’ College claim that lecturers in the Professional Studies Syllabus and Art Professional Syllabus demand US$10 for students to pass their assignments. If they refuse to meet their demands, the teachers deliberately cause them to fail their assignments or give them lower grades. According to the headmaster of the college, the matter is under investigation.

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