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1-10 of 20 results

  • Newspaper

    R59 million schoolbooks fraud: EC education officials given trial date

    South Africa


    Siseko Gwegwe - The South African

    Four Eastern Cape Department of Education officials and a businessman are facing charges of corruption, fraud, theft, and contravention of the Public Finance Management Act for R59 million meant for schoolbooks. Under the pretence that schools were adequately resourced with textbooks, they decided without permission from the National Treasury to shift and use 80% of the budget for the procurement of supplementary resource material, mainly IT equipment and photocopiers.

  • Newspaper

    'Bogus' teachers in court for faking qualifications

    South Africa


    - News 24

    Two teachers have been arrested after practicing at Seme Secondary school for eight and two years’ respectively. They got their jobs by using fake qualifications. It is said that the Mpumalanga Department of Education suffered a combined loss of more than R2.4m. The department apparently became suspicious about their qualifications in 2017 and asked them to resubmit their qualifications. The two will return to the Volkrust Regional Court on February 6.

  • Newspaper

    Two in court for R6m school feeding scheme fraud

    South Africa


    - enca

    Two people are in hot water after allegedly defrauding the Mpumalanga Department of Education of an estimated R6-million. The two appeared in the Nelspruit Regional Court on Thursday over their alleged involvement in a bogus school-feeding scheme. The Hawks said that in 2011 the accused allegedly submitted several fraudulent invoices to the Department of Education for services never rendered. An employee of the Department of Health allegedly recruited owners of various companies to submit these invoices. The money was allegedly deposited into the said businesses accounts, as well as individual accounts and was subsequently withdrawn and shared amongst the syndicate.

  • Newspaper

    Controversy over false teacher diplomas revived

    South Africa


    - RFI

    In South Africa, an incident at a school in Soweto revived the debate over false teacher qualifications. This week, a former primary school teacher stabbed a director who had suspended him. The teacher was dismissed after the school discovered, following a complaint from parents, that he had lied about his qualifications and had no diploma. According to the South African Council of Educators, dozens or even hundreds of teachers lie about their qualifications.

  • Newspaper

    EC Education wraps up 'ghost pupils' probe

    South Africa


    Stone Sizani - Eyewitness news

    The Eastern Cape Education Department has concluded its investigation into 'ghost pupils', but it still faces the 'ghost teachers' scandal. The wife of a former African National Congress (ANC) Chief Whip faces 16 counts of fraud and 10 counts of money laundering after allegedly pocketing more than R1 million by processing several fake applications for Grade R teaching posts.

  • Newspaper

    Jobs for cash report: Basic Education Department to stamp out corruption

    South Africa


    Emily Corke - Eyewitness News

    The basic education ministerial task team report into the “jobs for cash” scandal has found that corruption is endemic in the education system and the first step in stopping this is to end cadre deployment. The task team’s report, into allegations that some members of South African Democratic Teachers' Union (Sadtu) have been selling posts for money, has also raised issues within the appointment process in the sector. As a result, the department says it will establish interviewing and appointment panels that would be vetted regularly, as well as reviewing the appointment system as a whole.

  • Newspaper

    Shocking school corruption finding

    South Africa


    Genevieve Quintal - News24

    Corruption Watch conducted 10 investigations into allegations of corruption in schools during the past year, making it one of its corruption hotspots for 2015, according to its annual report released on Wednesday. "In all 10 cases the school principal was found to be the main culprit involved in the corrupt activities," the organisation said. Reports on corruption in schools made up 16% of the total complaints lodged with Corruption Watch, according to the report.

  • Newspaper

    Report confirms influence in appointment of teachers

    South Africa


    - Skills Portal

    The Basic Education Minister briefed media on the interim report submitted by a ministerial task team set up to probe allegations of selling of teachers’ posts. The Minister said the report confirmed there is corruption and undue influence in the appointment of teachers and school principals, there are weaknesses in the system and that the authority of the state and powers of certain stakeholders in the appointment process would need to be reviewed.

  • Newspaper

    Sadtu hits back after cash-for-teachers report

    South Africa


    Lizeka Tandwa - News24Wire

    The SA Democratic Teachers Union came out strongly against the basic education department on Sunday, accusing senior officials of being involved in a jobs-for-cash syndicate and claiming that high ranking officials in the education department had either accepted bribes or used undue influence to appoint teachers and principals. But this allegation was rejected by an education spokesperson.

  • Newspaper

    Investigation into allegations of selling of posts for teachers

    South Africa


    - AllAfrica News: Educatio

    The Basic Education Minister delivered a statement regarding the investigation into allegations of selling of posts for teachers following the release of preliminary report by her Task Team on the work done thus far. According to the minister the report, though not yet complete, has uncovered some very concerning tendencies that are being perpetuated in the appointment of teachers and principals. The full details of the report will be released at a later stage.

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