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1-4 of 4 results

  • Corruption in higher education: global challenges and responses

    The lack of academic integrity combined with the prevalence of fraud and other forms of unethical behavior are problems that higher education faces in both developing and developed countries, at mass and elite universities, and at public and private...

    Denisova-Schmidt, Elena

    Brill, Sense, 2020

  • The Scourge of fraud and corruption in higher education

    As evidenced by recently published articles, corruption has severely infected higher education worldwide. Through a global scan, this article first surveys examples of corruption in higher education in a few countries. It then looks at some actions...

    Mohamedbhai, Goolam


  • The scourge of fraud and corruption in higher education

    Corruption in higher education affects the developed and the developing world equally, even if the motivation and the actors are different. Through a global scan, this article first surveys examples of corruption in higher education in a few...

    Mohamedbhai, Goolam


  • Measuring corruption

    In this book, Transparency International's (TI) world-renowned 'corruption perception index' (CPI) and 'bribery perception index' (BPI) are explained and examined by a number of experts. They set out to establish how reliable these indexes are in...

    Sampford, Charles J.G., Shacklock, Arthur, Connors, Carmel, Galtung, Fredrik

    Aldershot (England), Ashgate, 2006

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