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1-10 of 62 results

  • Newspaper

    Number of students investigated for cheating at Oxford University



    Harry Howard - Daily Mail

    The number of suspected cheating cases at Oxford University rose from 26 in March to 55 in October 2019. The figures showed that 36 students had been investigated for plagiarism during assessments this year and 19 were suspected of collusion in open-book assessments. An additional six students received zero grade but were allowed to resubmit their piece of work.

  • Newspaper

    Two arrested in $1.5m Harvard fencing team bribery scandal



    - The Guardian

    A former Harvard coach accepted $1.5m in bribes in exchange for helping a businessperson get his two sons into the Ivy League school as fencers. They face charges with conspiracy to take bribes under federal programmes. The coach was fired in July 2019 for violating Harvard’s conflict-of-interest policy.

  • Newspaper

    Nepotism, fraud, waste, and cheating ... welcome to England's school system



    Liz Lightfoot - The Guardian

    A Nottingham teacher has collected 3,800 reports on corruption in the international school system that deal with nepotism, fraud, and cheating. In England, they highlight structural "reform", with its waste of money on free schools that never open, the horrific ongoing costs of successive Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs), and the way schools are pitched against each other to survive. Examples include an academy boss telling teachers to cheat on exams and the widespread relocation of students to improve school performance.

  • Newspaper

    1,500 penalties handed out for cheating in vocational exams



    Will Hazell - I

    The assessment watchdog Ofqual figures for the 2017-2018 academic year show 1,539 penalties for malpractice in vocational qualifications, of which 55 per cent were for students, 39 per cent for staff, and 6 per cent for schools and colleges. There were 606 penalties issued to staff, with the most common offense being “improper assistance to candidates”, which accounted for 75 per cent of all penalties. Only 7 per cent of penalties for staff came in the form of suspensions or bans. In 45 per cent of cases, staff received a written warning, while 41 per cent of the penalties involved further training. The most common type of cheating reported was plagiarism, which accounted for 46 per cent of all student penalties, followed by in the use of mobile phones or other communication devices in exams, accounted for 19 per cent.

  • Newspaper

    Universities to crack down on grade inflation



    Sky News - University World News

    According to a report carried out by Universities UK, the Higher education institutions should stop rounding up borderline marks and avoid discounting core or final-year modules. This comes in response to a warning from the Universities Minister that too many institutions felt pressured to lower their admission standards. The report sets out six measures to ensure transparency in the calculation of final grades and calls for a single algorithm to be used to calculate the final grade that the students receive.

  • Newspaper

    Essay mills ‘targeting students’ as pandemic crisis shifts Higher Education online



    Anna McKie - The World University Rankings

    The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) reports that the pandemic has demonstrated how innovative and adaptable essay mills marketing could be” by advertising discounts and “suggesting they could fill a gap resulting from a lack of supervision, or even offering essay writing to help students stay safe”. According to QAA, universities must look at how to prevent or catch cheating in the physically distanced assessment.

  • Newspaper

    Crisis-driven online exam shift ‘chance to boost academic integrity’



    John Ross - The World University Rankings

    According to academic integrity experts, online exams provide better access to information about student behaviour and are much more secure. Examiners can remotely access student computers to check for duplicates or unauthorized software. Impersonation is prevented by technology that recognizes students' faces and typing styles, while artificial intelligence is used to detect shadows that betray other people hidden in the room.

  • Newspaper

    Essay mills are 'public safety issue', university watchdog warns



    Camilla Turner - The Telegraph

    According to the Head of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), essay mills have become “public health and safety issue”, affecting all of society. As a result of students cheating in their degrees, there will be people entering into professions who are not qualified to carry out the work that is required. This practice is spreading now to the sixth-formers going to essay mills to get through their coursework at school.

  • Newspaper

    Nursery boss accused of funding fraud tells jury she did not ask parent to lie



    Deborah Hardiman - Express & Starr

    A nursery director is accused of taking advantage of a government funding programme for early childhood and pre-school education, which allowed two to four-year-olds from disadvantaged families to benefit from free nursery time between January 2017 and December 2018. She denies submitting bogus claims for funding credit and asking parents to lie about their situations.

  • Newspaper

    UK universities urged to do more to tackle online harassment



    David Batty - The Guardian

    A report revealed that hundreds of university students had been disciplined or expelled for making sexually explicit, homophobic or racist comments on social media. In order to improve online safety for staff and students, Universities UK has published guidance for its members on how to tackle harassment including cyberstalking, trolling and sexting.

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