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1-3 of 3 results

  • Newspaper

    How citizen action on budgets led to 4 new classrooms and saved the taxpayer $6000



    Focal Integrity Team of Cameroon - ONE

    In rural Cameroon, government budget allocations and expenditures are still hidden from public view. Focal Integrity Team of Cameroon (FITCAM) managed to convince public officials to disclose information of public interest to community organizations. They then supported citizens in holding authorities to account on local education projects in the Fako Division of Buea, in South West Cameroon. After exposing the corrupt practices of contractors, the Ministry of Public Contracts declared savings of 5,342, 765 CFA (approximately $5,980) through renegotiating contracts relating to a number of projects.

  • Basic Education Expenditure Mapping Project: project report

    The BE-PRO-MAP technology platform FITCAM aims to increase the ability of ordinary citizens (within local beneficiaries communities of public investment projects) to monitor performance in the delivery and management of the public investment budget...

    Focal Integrity Team Cameroon

    Buea, FITCAM, 2014

  • Newspaper

    Fraudulent diplomas exposed



    - University World News

    The commission in Cameroon responsible for assessing higher education qualifications issued abroad has exposed more than 300 cases of fraudulent diplomas, reported Quotidien Mutations info of Yaoundé.

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