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1-10 of 289 results

  • Newspaper

    Business schools as change agents in an era of corruption


    Sharon Dell - University World News

    If African business schools are to serve as change agents and play an effective role in combating systemic corruption in Africa, they need to equip future business leaders with pragmatic political skills rather than rely solely on developing an individual’s ethical outlook, according to new research from the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. “Pockets of ethical behaviour do not go far enough in Africa, according to assistant professor of strategy in the School of Management at the University of Bath. “The [private] sector has a huge potential to bring about change, but only if it is politically capable,” he said.

  • Newspaper

    Academic credential fraud – In search of lasting solutions



    Wondwosen Tamrat - University World news

    The expansion of higher education in Ethiopia has, where employment opportunities are available, brought demands for better qualifications – in addition to the variety of opportunities it has created. The sense of consternation created due to the growing demand for additional qualifications has led to a situation in which those who cannot manage the catch-up are tempted to seek short-cut mechanisms for obtaining degrees to ensure the continuity of their earnings and job status. Nowhere is this pressure being felt more in Ethiopia than in the civil service which accommodates more than five million employees.

  • Newspaper

    Education CS to shut down universities 'selling' degrees to politicians



    LEWIS NYAUNDI - The Star

    The Education CS wants universities selling degrees to politicians de-registered. He said the government is planning a major shake-up in higher education, including a crackdown on private universities, from next year. "I am happy now that councils have began to bite and strip people of their degrees. We would like to see more universities do that together with CUE and the Education ministry," he said on Monday during the AMFREF graduation ceremony. The crackdown will target institutions operating contrary to the statutory provisions guiding the higher education sector. Among those targeted are those operating on letters of interim authority beyond the statutory period.

  • Newspaper

    No arrests in Makerere fraud case as 69 degrees recalled



    Christabel Ligami - University World News

    Ugandan police have made no arrests among the 88 suspects – some of them alleged to be politicians and business people – implicated in the altering or forging of marks at Makerere University, months after university officials reported the offences. Up to 69 degrees are to be cancelled at Makerere University following the findings of a university audit initiated in September. The audit report, which is not available to the public, has revealed that results were altered at senate level after lecturers and college and school registrars made their submissions.

  • Newspaper

    Universities and business schools are changing their curricula to deal with SA’s “ethics” problem

    South Africa


    - News24Wire

    Universities and business schools are grappling with the ethics curricula they teach to professionals and future professionals. This follows damning revelations of state capture involving accountants, auditors and consultants at major international companies. The dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management at the University of the Witwatersrand, said every crisis offers an opportunity. “There is a lot of debate within the senior executive team… we are working with two [international] economists, to develop context in the economics curriculum, it brings to the fore issues of power… so students think about economic systems with a historical perspective”.

  • Newspaper

    The scourge of unscrupulous private HE institutions



    Wondwosen Tamrat - University World News

    The last three decades have witnessed the global proliferation of private higher education institutions at tremendous speed. Ethiopian private higher education institutions, or PHEIs, need to be accredited before commencing operation. The limitation on government authorities’ ability to enforce rules continues to encourage illegal institutions and students to take their chances. Taking the size of their student populations as their line of defence, rogue providers capitalise on the “excessive damage” any government action might cause when their illegal acts are exposed.

  • Newspaper

    Female students ‘too scared’ to report sexual harassment



    Christabel Ligami - University World News

    When a third-year bachelor of arts student at the University of Nairobi, was unable to write her final examination due to illness, her lecturer agreed to let her retake the exam and told her to meet him in his office in the evening to discuss the details. Instead of receiving the information she needed, he informed her that there was no need for her to take the examination and forced her to have sex with him. A 2016 study on sexual harassment among university students at Kenya’s University of Eldoret found that more than 50% of students had encountered sexual harassment and there were no policies to address the issue.

  • Newspaper

    Campaign to halt widespread university corruption



    - University World News

    An awareness campaign against widespread corruption in universities, which includes bribery by students to get good results, false diplomas and sex to gain promotion, has been launched by CONAC, the national anti-corruption commission. According to a source “The main kind of corruption here is the sale of grades by certain teachers. Students whose work is bad get teachers or education officials to improve their grades”. CONAC found instances of nepotism, counterfeiting of results, false diplomas, promotions in return for sex, and abuse of power.

  • Newspaper

    MP calls for installing cameras at examination halls in universities



    - Egypt Today

    Member of the committee on education and scientific research of the House of Representatives called for installing cameras in all examination halls at Egyptian universities to prevent cheating and lack of discipline. He will send the proposal to the Ministry of Higher Education as cameras will prevent and detect the growing incidents of mass copying by students and reveal any problem that would happen between students and monitors in the exam. This move is part of Egypt’s efforts to enhance the quality of the country’s university education and to deter churning out low quality graduates especially since the country’s examination system has been plagued by cheating over the recent years especially in high schools.

  • Newspaper

    University of Sydney commerce exam cancelled over fears of security breach



    Josh Dye - The Sydney Morning Herald

    Up to 1000 students at the University of Sydney are in limbo after their final exam was abruptly cancelled on Friday morning due to fears the exam had been compromised. Commerce students sitting their final exam for the compulsory business insights unit had just begun reading the exam paper when they were interrupted by an announcement from the examiner. The university said the replacement exam would have the same structure and weighting as the original exam, and warned "any student found guilty of misconduct risks disciplinary proceedings including expulsion".

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