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1-10 of 580 results

  • Newspaper

    Rediscovering the power of trust: The case of education in Tunisia



    Mihaylo Milovanovitch - Transparency International

    Right after its inauguration in 2012, the then new Tunisian government reassured its electorate that it will continue to take the fight against corruption seriously. Numerous international partners were asked to submit their recommendations, and soon enough the authorities' to-do list becam very long.

  • Newspaper

    Very good on paper

    Viet Nam


    - The Economist

    In a recent survey the organization [Transparency International] found that 49% of Vietnamese respondents perceived their education sector to be "corrupt" or "highly corrupt". Corruption is plainly evident at elite Vietnamese schools. Yet it also exists on a smaller scale, in subtler forms...

  • Newspaper

    Academics support plagiarism whistleblower petition



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    More than 600 academics in Germany have signed a petition demanding that cases of plagiarism and data manipulation be settled in discourses at subject level. The campaign is critical of a move by the German Rectors' Conference to have such issues treated confidentially in university committ

  • Newspaper

    Ghost schools and absence of teachers Major problems, Supreme Court



    Hasnaat Malik - Pamir Times

    In a 100-page detailed judgement regarding the condition of government schools, Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry said that a study – conducted by Basic Education Community Schools (BECS) Project in 2012-2013 through a third party validation team hired by the gover..

  • Video

    Teachers to play by new Code of Conduct in Uganda



    NTVUganda -

    The video reports that teachers had to play by new rules as the Education Service Commission, responsible for recruiting government teachers in Uganda, reviewed its rules and regulations after 20 years. While it addresses teacher promotion and the teacher-parent relationship, the main emphasis has been placed on teacher's behavior.

  • Video

    Investigation report on teacher absenteeism in Minnesota



    KSTP 5 Eyewitness News -

    The video presents an investigation report on teacher absenteeism in Minnesota. This report found about two out of every five Minnesota teachers missed more than ten days in a single school year, and their absence could be having a negative impact on students.

  • Newspaper

    Arab universities must admit the cost of corruption


    Elizabeth Buckner - Al-Fanar Media

    A report released by Transparency International, "Global Corruption Report: Education," is the first report by the organization examining corruption in education. But the report hardly covers the issue at Arab universities.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption is eroding higher education's benefits


    Wachira Kigotho - University World News

    University education in Africa is regarded as key to a better future, and has the potential to provide the tools that people need to improve livelihoods and live with dignity. But according to Transparency International, systemic corruption is eroding benefits that could be accrued from higher education.

  • Newspaper

    Diminishing corruption in education sector



    - Daily Sun

    The education sector shows a slow but steady improvement in corruption index [Transparency International] over the last few years. It is a great development in an environment when corruption in all sectors of public administration is galloping at faster pace.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption in education a cause for worry, says TIB report



    - The Independent

    Corruption in Bangladesh education sector is lower than the global graft standards, said Dr. Iftekharuzzaman, executive director of the Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB). Global corruption rate in the education sector is 17 per cent, while it is only 12 per cent in Bangladesh,

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