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1-10 of 306 results

  • Newspaper

    Controversy over higher education links with industry



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    A warning by German anti-corruption organisation Transparency International that links between higher education and business are becoming increasingly obscure has sparked an open debate. "We are observing corporate interests increasingly dominating teaching and research to a large extent,” said Director of Transparency International Germany.

  • Newspaper

    An Online portal to report corruption cases launched in Tirana



    - UNDP

    A National Forum on the fight against corruption was organized in Tirana today bringing together cabinet ministers, international organizations, civil servants, civil society and media.The Government of Albania considers transparency and accountability, the cornerstone of the fight against corruption and it is committed to put its fight within the context of modernizing public services delivery.

  • Newspaper

    Macedonia Students Reject Deal on Extra Exams

    North Macedonia


    Sinisa Jakov Marusic - Balkan Insight

    Insisting that the government must scrap its plan for graduates to take external, state-supervised exams, protesting students have rejected the Education Ministry's proposed compromise. Macedonian students who last week staged a mass protest against plans for "external testing" have rejected the latest concessions of the Education Minister.

  • Newspaper

    University: a petition to open our eyes on plagiarism



    Quentin Blanc - Figaro

    Denouncing the reluctance of universities to fight plagiarism, French teachers and researchers have launched a petition. They believe it is urgent to act in order to protect the legitimacy of degrees.

  • Newspaper

    A case of plagiarism troubles the direction of the school of journalism Science Po



    Isabelle Rey-Lefebvre - Le Monde

    The executive Director of the School of Journalism, Sciences Po, is accused of copying/pasting extracts of articles in her chronicles on the Huffington Post, without quoting her sources. The Director of the School of journalism wrote to both students and staff stating that: "the school, that teaches deontology, cannot take lightly such affairs".

  • Nepotism at schools in Armenia: a cultural perspective

    This paper discusses the issue of favorable treatment of fellow teachers' children at Armenian schools. It demonstrates that this behavior is a part of schools' institutional culture, and is being accepted as a normative behavior. The paper attempts...

    Avetisyan, Meri, Khachatryan, Varsenik

    Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University - Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, 2014

  • Newspaper

    Three months imprisonment for a student who was cheating through an ear phone



    Jean-Pierre Tamisier - Sud-Ouest

    A university of Bordeaux student was condemned to three months imprisonment for having cheated several times, assisted by accomplices, during law exams. He appeared in the dock of the fifth chamber of the magistrate's court escorted by two policemen.

  • Newspaper

    Cambridge University under fresh scrutiny over Chinese government-linked donation

    UK, China


    Malcolm Moore - The Telegraph

    Revealed: university representatives met with daughter of Chinese prime minister to win donation university officials later claimed had "no link" to Chinese government.

  • Newspaper

    Romanian students complain about high tuition costs and illegal fees



    Irina Popescu - Romania Insider

    Tuition for university studies has been growing steadily in Romania in the last few years, according to the National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania (ANOSR). Many of the taxes paid by students at 21 universities in the country are "unjustified, borderline illegal or simply illegal".

  • Newspaper

    Official study slams university rankings as "useless"



    Jan Petter Myklebust - University World News

    A government-commissioned study of the placement of Norwegian universities in global rankings – in particular compared to other Nordic institutions – has concluded that even the top rankings are so based on subjective weightings of factors and on dubious data that they are useless as a basis for information if the goal is to improve higher education.

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