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1-10 of 87 results

  • Faces of Open Government: Muriel Poisson


    This interview was first published by Open Government Partnership in the Faces of Open Government.

  • UNESCO-IIEP's 60th Anniversary Symposium explores how transparency and innovative financing benefit educational planning


    On 8-9 November 2023, the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) celebrated its 60th anniversary with a two-day symposium that brought together over 1400 experts, policymakers, planners, and representatives from UNESCO Member States both in person and online.

  • From inception to innovation: a two-decade journey in battling corruption in education


    This article was first published on the IIEP-UNESCO website.

  • Newspaper

    Better data on corruption can reduce its impact, support sustainable development



    - United Nations News

    According to the UNDP, corruption costs the world roughly $2.6 trillion annually. The Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime acknowledged that current methodologies to measure corruption are often unclear, with questions around the accuracy and reliability of available numbers and statistics. Estimates are based on limited indicators, while some frameworks prioritize narrow groups of stakeholders and their perceptions. UNODC is developing a comprehensive statistical framework to enhance accurate corruption measurement, supporting countries worldwide with capacity-building and technical guidance to combat corruption.

  • Civil society: A key voice in tackling corruption in education


    When education is free of corruption, and a strong culture of transparency and accountability prevails, doors can open for millions of children and youth worldwide. They can access their right to quality education. To accelerate, how can the education sector join forces with civil society organizations? Education Out Loud grantees from Tanzania, Cambodia, and Zimbabwe explain how.

  • Exploring civil society in education: IIEP contributes to CIES 2023


    During the week of 20 February, IIEP participated in the annual CIES conference to share the latest of our work on transparency and accountability measures in education. CIES 2023 was organized in a blended format around the theme: ‘Improving Education for a More Equitable World’.

  • Newspaper

    Research ethics project for Benin, the Gambia, Ivory Coast

    Benin, Gambia, South Africa, Côte d'Ivoire


    Maina Waruru -

    Ethical bodies in Sub-Saharan Africa face challenges in their capacity to perform their work due to a lack of ICT resources and academic training in ethics and regulatory affairs. €1.5 million (about US$1.62 million) has been granted to Benin, the Gambia, and Ivory Coast to install the Research for Health and Innovation Organiser software, a cloud-based platform that could make the work of such bodies more efficient while enabling them to improve ethical conduct and research integrity, review processes, build capacities in oversight and monitoring.

  • Open government in education: learning from the "Auditores Juveniles" programme in Peru

    Basic page

    This case study analyses how the "Youth Auditors" programme developed by the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru is implemented in schools as a mechanism for democratic participation and citizen oversight by regular basic education students in public schools. In addition, it is a tool that seeks to involve students in the improvement and monitoring of educational services.

  • Open government empowers students, from Portugal to Peru


    New computers, recreational equipment, a school garden, or recycling equipment? In Portugal, students are having their say. For six years now, the Ministry of Education has hosted an open budgeting initiative – Orçamento Participativo das Escolas, or OPEscolas – reaching some 200,000 young people in 90% of the country’s public schools.

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