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  • Newspaper

    School placement corruption: abolish protocol list system



    General News - Ghana Web

    The Ghana Integrity Initiative has called for the removal of the protocol list system in secondary schools under the Computerized School Selection and Placement System. A new documentary entitled “School Placement for sale” shows parents, guardians, and officials in charge of placement allegedly making “deals” to secure places for students. Some parents paid GHS20,000 to get their children into placed schools while others paid GHS8,500 for preferred schools.

  • Newspaper

    Foreign institutions warned over PhD admissions



    Francis Kokutse - University World News

    Foreign tertiary institutions in Ghana have been directed by the National Accreditation Board to ensure that only students with certificates awarded by institutions accredited by the board be admitted to PhD courses. It is also concerned about a spate of honorary degrees awarded to personalities by some unaccredited or unqualified institutions.

  • Newspaper

    Nationally-run school feeding programme mired in corruption



    - IRIN News

    The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has been successfully running school feeding programmes around the world for years. But in Ghana an independent audit recently revealed that the programme is mired in corruption. By May 2008, 477,714 pupils in 987 schools accross Ghana were benefiting from the programme and according to the Local Government Ministry, with an average of a 40 percent increase in primary school enrolment since the programme was introduced. But an independent school feeding motoring report said that enrolment in 14 selected schools nationwide increased only by 21 per cent between the 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 academic year.

  • Newspaper

    East Gonja district hit with inadequate qualified teachers



    Saaka Ahmed Mustapha - Ghanaian Chronicle

    Only 360 teachers representing 30% of the total of 1,197 teachers at the basic level in the East Gonja district are qualified. The remaining 70% are untrained. The education director indicated that though the introduction of the capitation grant had led to increased enrolment of pupils at the basic schools, very few teachers were available to teach them.

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