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1-10 of 18 results

  • How civil society uses digital tools to increase accountability in education


    This article was first published by the Global Partnership for Education in the Education for all blog. From basic mobile applications to sophisticated data analytics platforms, online crowdsourcing, georeferencing and chatbots, organizations supported by GPE Education Out Loud are using technologies to bridge the gap between governments and civil society, creating new channels for interaction and oversight.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption in schools undermines children's education

    Congo DR


    Esther Ndalafina - Radio Okapi

    Corruption affects all aspects of educational planning and management. This includes the financing of schools, the recruitment, promotion and appointment of teachers, the construction of school buildings, the purchase and distribution of equipment and textbooks, and access to university. Corruption restricts access to education at all levels, from pre-school to university. It hinders the quality of learning, with children from disadvantaged backgrounds being the main victims.

  • Empowering civil society to fight against corruption in education


    Improving transparency and accountability are crucial measures in the fight against corruption. For the education sector, this is no exception as corruption can impede access and undermine equity and quality. However, several tools exist to help education stakeholders, including civil society actors, take steps to hold service providers accountable and improve education service oversight and delivery.

  • Newspaper

    N'zérékoré: education stakeholders discuss the fight against corruption in schools




    Education authorities in N'Zérékoré are organizing a meeting to follow up on suspicions of embezzlement linked to the purchase of desks for Parents' Associations. The National Agency for the Fight against Corruption and Good Governance has announced the creation of a toll-free number to report cases of corruption. School officials and parent-teacher associations were sensitized to the notion of corruption and inappropriate practices. The prefect urged them to avoid manipulating associations to collect money from parents, stressing that those involved would have to answer to the law.

  • Newspaper

    Education crisis grips South Waziristan: militancy and corruption perpetuate deteriorating conditions



    - The Frontier Post

    The deteriorating situation in South Waziristan’s education system demands urgent measures. A teacher from the Servaki division revealed that funds allocated for the construction of washrooms and play areas have vanished, benefiting only the office administration and school owners. Moreover, it has become a trend for school owners to extort money from teachers, often amounting to 1000 to 12000 rupees per teacher per month. Teachers who refuse to comply with such demands are subjected to false reports filed against them, resulting in inquiries initiated by the District Education Office.

  • Corruption and education: the gender dimension


    Marginalized populations typically shoulder the burden of corruption. In the education sector, this means there is often a gender component when it comes to both understanding and addressing the impacts of corruption.

  • Newspaper

    College closed after alleged theft of public resources



    Rwanda, Jean d’Amour - Universit World News

    The Rwanda Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) has ordered the temporary closure of Rwanda Polytechnic Regional College Kigali, in order to investigate serious cases of theft and misappropriation of public resources. According to sources, college equipment allegedly disappeared, and top officials and several employees involved in the management of the institution have been interrogated and arrested.

  • Newspaper

    Education Ministry outlines digital transformation plan

    Trinidad and Tobago


    Narissa Fraser - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

    The Ministry of Education of Trinidad and Tobago has outlined its digital transformation plan for the period 2022-2027. This plan consists of 13 digital projects, including: E-testing, a student management system, and quick-response identification cards for students. According to the Minister of education, "the benefits of this programme are far-reaching, and will positively impact areas such as records management, management of school infrastructure, curriculum delivery, teacher development and the conduct of examinations”.

  • Newspaper

    R59 million schoolbooks fraud: EC education officials given trial date

    South Africa


    Siseko Gwegwe - The South African

    Four Eastern Cape Department of Education officials and a businessman are facing charges of corruption, fraud, theft, and contravention of the Public Finance Management Act for R59 million meant for schoolbooks. Under the pretence that schools were adequately resourced with textbooks, they decided without permission from the National Treasury to shift and use 80% of the budget for the procurement of supplementary resource material, mainly IT equipment and photocopiers.

  • Newspaper

    Of crumbling schools and ghost teachers



    Kashif Hussain - The Express Tribune

    Government schools in the Manghopir area of Karachi are in dilapidated condition. School buildings are deprived of water, electricity, and other basic amenities. In the Government Boys Primary School Haji Mehmood Goth in Sarmastani Mohalla there is only one teacher for 137 children. Despite the biometric system, the rest of the teachers have been receiving their salaries at home for the last two years.

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