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1-10 of 314 results

  • Video

    Academic fraud, a problem to be solved



    Visión Tunera -

    Academic fraud has consequences for students and society in general. According to one professor, the subject of corruption has been a big debate for many years in Cuba, but that forms of corruption evolve as the means of change.

  • Newspaper

    Academics support plagiarism whistleblower petition



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    More than 600 academics in Germany have signed a petition demanding that cases of plagiarism and data manipulation be settled in discourses at subject level. The campaign is critical of a move by the German Rectors' Conference to have such issues treated confidentially in university committ

  • Newspaper

    Arab universities must admit the cost of corruption


    Elizabeth Buckner - Al-Fanar Media

    A report released by Transparency International, "Global Corruption Report: Education," is the first report by the organization examining corruption in education. But the report hardly covers the issue at Arab universities.

  • Plagiarism policies in Slovakia: full report

    This report is part of the program “Impact of Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe (IPPHEAE)” funded by the European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme. In this report, the author starts with the background information of higher education in...

    Foltynek, Dr. Tomas


  • Video

    Fake university degrees in Peru



    América Noticias -

    The video documents an investigation into the sale of fake university degrees in Peru, in front of the headquarters of the Judiciary in Callao. The reporter discovers that this illicit activity is widespread.

  • Newspaper

    "Degree mills" are mushrooming, educationists warn



    Gilbert Nganga - University World News

    Educationists in Nairobi believe many would-be graduates are seeking essay and thesis writing services, undermining quality in higher education institutions. Such fraudulent academic businesses are said to be mushrooming around universities. While they are not a new phenomenon, they are growing along with the number of students in universities.

  • Newspaper

    Fake diploma mills proliferate in the world



    Marie-Estelle Puech - Le Figaro

    Another case of “fake diplomas” was discovered at the University of Lyon. The commercialization of fake diplomas is exploding, whether in Chinese or Anglo-Saxon universities or on the Web where anything can be bought. After Toulon in 2009, where Chinese students of the University Institute of Business Administration had purchased their diplomas, in Lyon this year the University is suspected of having granted degrees in communication to dozens of West Indians students who had never set foot in the city.

  • Newspaper

    DSI investigates World Peace "university"



    - Bangkok Post

    The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has opened a probe of World Peace University, which seems to grant honorary degrees in exchange for money, a practice the "university" insists is ethical and legal. The DSI said it received a complaint that the operation of World Peace cheats the public, with awards of degrees without normal university merit.

  • Newspaper

    China vs. America – Quality, plagiarism and propaganda

    China, USA


    John Richard Schrock - University World News

    In this article, Dr John Richard Schrock, who teaches at Emporia State University in Kansas, explains the vast differences between research, citation and teaching styles in Chinese and American university students, citing cultural and education gaps for instances of plagiarism.

  • Newspaper

    Indian university suspected in fake PhDs scam



    - New Straits Times

    Police are investigating an Indian university suspected of issuing fake PhDs after it awarded more than 400 doctorates in a single year. They have arrested four senior officials from CMJ University in the northeastern state of Meghalaya on suspicion of fraud and forgery and are hunting for the chancellor, who has fled.

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