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1-10 of 103 results

  • Newspaper

    Decisive action is needed to restore the credibility of NSFAS

    South Africa


    Linda Meyer and Patrick Fish - University World News

    The existing fragmented and unaccountable structures of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) perpetuate dysfunction, corruption, and exploitation, betraying the trust of South Africa’s most vulnerable students and undermining the integrity of its higher education system. During the COVID-19 pandemic, funds intended for vulnerable populations were misappropriated.

  • Newspaper

    Fake academic papers are on the rise: Why they’re a danger and how to stop them

    South Africa


    Lex Bouter - The Conversation

    In an analysis carried out jointly by the Publications Ethics Committee and the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers, over half of the 3,440 articles submitted over a two-year period were found to be fake. Open science practices, such as pre-registration of study plans and registered reports could promote transparency and accountability. Recognizing the importance of peer review and rewarding reviewers can also strengthen academic integrity and reduce the proliferation of suspect articles.

  • Newspaper

    Scandal unfolds at University of Fort Hare: Academic integrity in question over plagiarism claims

    South Africa


    Emmanuel Abara Benson - BNN

    A Professor from the University of Fort Hare faces accusations of failing to address plagiarism in the theses of nine postgraduate students under his supervision. A confidential report revealed that he knew about the plagiarism but only advised students to 'reduce' it. This has sparked concerns about the University's commitment to academic standards and raised questions about the quality of the supervision. Despite the findings, the professor remains employed, leading to debate.

  • Newspaper

    Teachers fired for leaking matric exam information

    South Africa


    Melody Chironda - All Africa

    Two teachers from Dlumana High School in Manyeleti, Mpumalanga, and Tuscany Glen High School in Cape Town were dismissed for their involvement in a matric exam cheating scandal. The Mpumalanga teacher posted answers to a life sciences paper on WhatsApp during the 2022 exams, while the Cape Town teacher forwarded exam questions to students via WhatsApp. This incident is part of a broader cheating scandal involving 935 pupils.

  • Newspaper

    Freedom Front Plus calls for urgent meeting on NSFAS corruption allegations

    South Africa


    - SABC News

    The Freedom Front Plus (FF Plus) is requesting a meeting with Parliament's Portfolio Committee on Higher Education in response to allegations of corruption within the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA) claims to possess recordings of meetings between the NSFAS board chairperson and a representative of NSFAS service providers. According to OUTA, these recordings suggest that service providers paid substantial kickbacks to the Higher Education Minister and the SA Communist Party (SACP) in exchange for tenders.

  • Newspaper

    UNISA quality audit highlights erosion of senate authority

    South Africa


    Alicia James and Sharon Dell - University World News

    The University of South Africa (UNISA) underwent a quality audit by the Council on Higher Education (CHE), which raised concerns about ambiguous roles between the Senate and Council, potentially infringing on academic authority. The audit highlighted governance issues, late registrations impacting student success, and communication gaps with students. UNISA has submitted an improvement plan to address these concerns and awaits feedback from the CHE.

  • Newspaper

    Big data research poses new challenges to ethics committees

    South Africa


    Nezerith Cengiz, Siti Kabanda, Tonya Esterhuizen and Keymanthri Moodley - University World News

    A new study highlights the necessity of training Research Ethics Committees (RECs) in Sub-Saharan Africa to manage the ethical and legal complexities inherent in data-intense research, particularly concerning data protection and sharing. Findings reveal a lack of awareness among REC members regarding existing laws at the national level, possibly resulting in research data crossing borders without appropriate agreements or permits. Establishing transparent and standardized data governance could foster shared ethical values and ensure responsible big data research practices across the subcontinent.

  • Newspaper

    How infighting, corruption overshadow tertiary education in South Africa

    South Africa


    Esther Rose - All Africa

    The Minister of Higher Education commissioned a report into the affairs of Unisa, Africa's biggest open distance learning institution. There have been claims of maladministration, as well as tender irregularities, allegedly involving the University's Vice Chancellor and principal. The report found that Unisa has been plagued by governance issues since 2016. It included the flouting of procurement processes, irregular appointment of staff members, as well as huge salary increases.

  • Newspaper

    Minister hints at university law change in South Africa

    South Africa


    Linda Nordling - Research Professional News

    South Africa’s Minister of Higher Education revealed concerns over rampant corruption and governance issues in universities. He hinted at potential future legal changes to bolster the system's efficiency, highlighting challenges like inexperienced governance council members and the normalization of corruption in university supply chains. While specific legislative amendments were not disclosed, the focus could include reviewing university autonomy. The department aims to establish an ombudsman and a dedicated branch to address governance problems.

  • Newspaper

    The economic impact of fake qualifications in South Africa

    South Africa


    Victor J Pitsoe - University World News

    False qualifications damage the South African economy in several ways: they reduce productivity, increase expenditure, damage reputation, undermine confidence in the education system and reduce tax revenues. Governments and businesses need to tackle this problem, particularly by enforcing existing restrictions, improving the quality of education and training, setting up a centralized system for verifying qualifications and applying sanctions against those offering false certificates.

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