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1-10 of 110 results

  • Newspaper

    Largest ever research integrity survey flounders



    - University World News

    The world's largest multi-disciplinary research integrity survey is at risk of failing to achieve its objectives with two-thirds of the institutions invited to collaborate having declined to participate because of the sensitivity of the subject and fear of negative publicity. As a result, the researchers who conducted the Dutch National Research Integrity Survey found themselves alone in scraping up many e-mail addresses and soliciting responses. They gathered feedback from less than 15% of the 40,000 targeted participants.

  • Newspaper

    UBC investigating after 100 students accused of cheating on math exam



    - DH News

    There were over 100 cases of cheating at the University of British Columbia (UBC) during an online math exam. The UBC director announced that the consequences for the students involved might vary from a warning to a zero on the test, a zero in the course, or even suspension or expulsion. The University has taken the necessary measures to ensure the integrity and security of all online courses.

  • Newspaper

    Remote learning has led to increase in cheating and online test proctoring service proves controversial



    Elijah Parkmann-Williams - The Voice

    According to a recent poll of Mercer Country Community College students, 64% said they felt more inclined to cheat since moving online. Even though the MCCC uses the Honorlock software that can detect nearby device searches, recognize verbal keywords, and track the students’ movement, the college’s Academic Integrity Committee (AIC) found 45 cases of cheating.

  • Newspaper

    Georgia State students warn about cheating through GroupMe



    Jada Jones - Signal

    The assistant dean of students reported 292 cases of academic dishonesty on the Atlanta campus for the academic year 2019/20. For the current year, from July 1 through, 268 more cases through November 5. With the increased use of technology and apps like GroupMe, universities all over the country had to integrate cheating via GroupMe into their academic honesty policies.

  • Newspaper

    Osmania University adopts harsher anti-plagiarism norms



    Preeti Biswas - The Times of India

    Almost 200 of 900 PhD thesis submitted at Osmania University every year have plagiarized content up 50 per cent. The university reinforced the regulations after approving the University Grants Commissions’ promotion of academic integrity. Faculty members having a similarity of above 40 per cent will be asked to withdraw the manuscript, will be denied the right to annual increments, and will not be allowed to supervise new thesis for 2 to 3 years students.

  • Newspaper

    Academic integrity suffers in the age of COVID-19, distance learning



    Julia Herlyn - Inklings News

    A study conducted by Visual Objects revealed that 52% of students anticipate widespread cheating and breaches of academic integrity while experiencing distance learning. Upholding academic standards have been replaced with an unethical pursuit of higher grades at the cost of true education and personal character. At Staples High School, for example, teachers may give the same test to students – with half of the class in person, and the other half participating via Zoom. When assessments are announced, many online students use various tools to cheat on tests. Photomath, a popular mobile app that completes math problems by scanning photos, has experienced heightened usage during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Video

    Fraudsters, manipulators and others: the delinquents of knowledge



    XERFICanal -

    A professor emeritus at the University of Geneva discusses her main research topic: integrity sciences. During the interview, she documents the different profiles of what she calls "knowledge offenders". 

  • New IIEP online course on corruption in education


    September 2020 marked the launch of the IIEP-UNESCO online course on ‘Transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures in education’. Building on IIEP’s research and training activities in the area of corruption in education, this new course aims to bring together different education stakeholders to learn and exchange on practices of corruption, and strategies to address them in different education domains. This online course is organized as part of the Institute’s programme on Ethics and Corruption in Education.

  • Newspaper

    Rutgers faculty discusses cheating during remote instruction



    Victoria Yeasky - The Daily Tragum

    While the Academic Integrity Policy has not changed since the transition to remote learning at Rutgers faculty, departments have implemented new measures in an effort to prevent cheating. The Office of Student Conduct has created tutorial videos on completing work honestly, and on exams and major assignments, students should write and sign an honour pledge. The policy includes seven types of violations: plagiarism, cheating, and fabrication, facilitation of dishonesty, academic sabotage, violation of research or professional ethics and violations involving potentially criminal activity.

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